英语作文 中国式过马路


At the crossroads have traffic lights, for pedestrians and the vehicle's safety and Settings. But, why is there are so few pedestrians, don't want to in the red light up when crossing the road, at this moment if left or right side car drove quickly past, out of the dangerous who is responsible? In big cities, if there is a pedestrian or cyclists run a red light, is also to be fined. But in our small place, there is no police to tube, they only pay attention to the vehicle, so the red light is more bold unscrupulously, they think it is acceptable to take for granted. I hope the police also tube a tube of those who's crossing the red light, so that we can maintain the traffic order better!
Life is good, life is precious, and only once, so I advise people don't have fluky psychology, and happened to regret is too late, only wish everyone travel peace!
第1个回答  2013-01-12
Rules are made for people to follow, however, not to break them. When people cross roads, they might be in a rush for an appointment, so they neglect the rule of crossing the road when green light, as the picture is shown. From this picture we could also see that a horde of people are going across the road. Th disadvantage for these points is that the car would not expect the people walking across the street while red light, and may even cause a big disaster. Additionally, if a disaster really happens, a lad of people would be affected.

So, from this picture we could learn that we must spot the right light to cross the road, and do not follow the ones who lead themselves to danger.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-08-05
1.You go,i go,togather go! Red Alart?Does'nt matter,togather is better.
2.Cars are high,and no one afread to die,that's why!
3.Let the cars free,even kill no fee.
4.I'm afread to die,in China,I hope I can fly.



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