

我现在知道你是什么样的人了。(Now I know the way you are.)
你觉得我好欺负吗?(You think I‘m a pushover?)
你觉得中国人都很好糊弄吗?(You think most Chinese people are pushovers?)
你最好给我一个能够让人信服的理由。(You'd better give me a convincing reason.)
你就不会发我短信告诉我你不能来吗?(Couldn't you text me to tell me you wouldn't come?)
让我失望好玩吗?玩我好玩吗?(Is it funny to let me down or toy with me?)
得了吧,你不值得信任。(Face it, you make me think you are not trustworthy.)
你现在道歉没有用。(Making an apology doesn't make any sense,)
你的态度很让人恼火,虽然我知道你本意不坏,但是那太幼稚了,你是成年人吧。这会让大多数中国人很恼火。(You attitude is quite provoking, though I know you are not on purpose. Anyhow, what you have done is not mature at all. You are an adult. Trust me, your behaviour will make most Chinese annoyed.)

还有,Hello yourself这样的句子是不是有点太不礼貌了,应不应该用。

    You think I'm good bully?

2.Do you think the Chinese are very good fool?

3.You'd better give me a convincing

4.You don't send me short message to tell me you can't come?

5.Let me down for fun? I have fun playing?

6.Come on, you cannot be trusted

7.Apologize useless now.

8.Apologize useless now. (Making an apology doesn't make any sense,)Your attitude
is very annoying, although I know you meant no harm, but that too naive, you are
an adult. This will make the majority of the Chinese people very angry.

第1个回答  2013-10-05
You attitude应为your,其他都很好
第2个回答  2013-10-06
My teacher is
a university student.



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