


1. 作为动词使用: 

- Supply sb with sth:给某人提供某物

e.g. The company supplied us with all the necessary equipment for the project.

- Supply sth to sb/sth:向某人/某物提供某物。

e.g. Teachers need to supply information to students in a timely manner.

- Be supplied with sth:被提供某物(即作为宾语)

e.g. All the offices in this building are supplied with air conditioning as standard.

2. 作为名词使用: 

- Supply (of sth):指物资或资源的供应量

e.g. A sudden increase in demand for medical supplies has triggered a global shortage.

- In short supply:指某种物品紧缺

e.g. Clean water is in short supply in some areas of the world.

- Supply and demand:供求关系,指市场上某种商品或服务的需求和供应之间的平衡状态

e.g. A good understanding of the principles of supply and demand is crucial for successful investment.

3. 特定搭配:

- Supply chain:供应链,指从原材料制造到最终零售等环节中各个生产环节的物流过程。

e.g. Improving efficiency in the supply chain can help lower production costs.

- Supply-side economics:供给侧经济学,指一种以增加生产力和创造就业机会的方式刺激经济增长的理论。

e.g. There is currently much debate about the effectiveness of supply-side economics in modern economies.

- Energy supply:能源供应,指供应各种形式的能源如石油、天然气、太阳能等。

e.g. Maintaining a secure and sustainable energy supply is a major challenge faced by many countries around the world.





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