

新加坡是个留学性价比比较高的国家,而且,在那里毕业后,找工作及移民都蛮容易的除了楼主说的2所大学之外,新加坡南洋理工大学也很好滴它和国立大学在世界上的排名都蛮考前的哈 去新加坡读本科,通常需准备:1. 语言成绩:通过A-LEVEL考试的,可直接读本科。否则,可先去读语言 2. 学业成绩:需提供高中毕业证和高中6个学期所有课程的成绩单(要求平均分80+分) 高中成绩一般可改,完全能满足要求 申请新加坡国立大学和南洋理工大学的,还需国内的高考成绩超过一本分数 线15分(2010年的要求)3. 留学保证金:按每年10W RMB计算,在递交签证申请时需存满规定的时间 另可申请新加坡政府的无息贷款,最高可达90%的学费;经济困难留学生,       还能申请助学金.条件是毕业后需在新加坡工作3年-----这是很多人梦寐以 求的呢只要具备以上3条,就能申请学校了.当然,参加各种社团活动及有特长等,能为你的申请加分 建议你在当地找家可靠的留学中介咨询咨询.因为他们掌握着最新的留学动态,会免费解答你所有问题的,并会为你的留学出谋划策的(包括专业及学校的选择,申请学校,拿offer,交学费,体检,签证,联系住宿等).即使最后并不签约,也没有关系的----签约前的所有咨询,都是不收费的所有有资质的留学中介的名单及地址,可直接登陆"教育部涉外监管网"查询你从中选个在你当地的就OK啦(可经过比较后,再确定选哪家) 希望这些能对你有所帮助哦
第1个回答  2013-09-20
[新加坡] 新加坡国立大学
National University of Singapore 建校年代:1905年 所在省州:新加坡 所在城市:Kent Ridge 学生人数:32366人 中国教育部是否认证:获得认证 入学要求: Applicants (regardless of nationality) seeking admission to NUS should present the NUS High School of Mathematics and Science Diploma. You should also meet the Mother Tongue (MT) requirement for admission by having one of the following: minimum of D7 for the higher MT paper taken at the 'O' Level examination minimum of ‘S’ grade for the H1 MTL paper or General Studies in Chinese minimum of 'S' grade for the H2 MTLL paper taken at the 'A' Level examination pass in the MT 'B' Syllabus paper at the 'A' Level examination If you are a candidate who has been exempted from MT as approved by MOE, the MOE-approved subject-in-lieu will be considered as your MT subject. Discretionary Admission We set aside up to 10 % of vacancies for consideration of exceptional candidates for admission to NUS. For such candidates, we will consider other factors besides grades. The following are some samples of exceptional achievements that we may take into consideration :Medal winner at the International Olympiads (Biology, Chemistry, Informatics, Mathematics and Physics) Winner in the National Science & Talent Search Represented Singapore in Arts and/or Sports Active participation in community service and volunteer programmes. Work experience relevant to the course applied for (supporting document/s is/are required) Key leadership positions in community organisations, sports and athletic clubs, etc (outside school) In addition, you can provide information on awards/honours that you have won. If you wish to be considered under this scheme, you should provide the details in the 'Discretionary Admissions' section in the online application form. You should then follow up by sending supporting documents to NUS. Please note that if the 'Discretionary Admissions' section in the online application form is not filled in, you will be deemed as not interested for consideration under this scheme. Consideration of SAT I and SAT II SAT I and SAT II scores are not required for admission consideration.SAT IThe minimum acceptable individual Reasoning Test scores are 600 for the Critical Reading Section, 600 for the Writing Section, and 650 for the Mathematics Section.SAT IIStudents may take 3 subjects of their choices for the Subject Tests based on the subject prerequisites of the courses you are applying for admission in NUS.Notes: Combinations or mixing of scores are not acceptable. The old test format (SAT I & II) and the new test format (Reasoning Test and Subject Tests) cannot be combined. The validity of scores is five years, e.g. for applications closing on 31 December 2008, the validity period is from 31 December 2003 to 31 December 2008 (both dates inclusive). Students who want to take Mathematics as a test subject may wish to take Mathematics Level II. No minimum Subject Test scores have been stipulated. NUS Institution Code is 3720.
For more information on Reasoning and Subjects Tests, please visit 参考资料:
第2个回答  2021-11-09
第3个回答  2013-09-20
第4个回答  2013-09-20
第5个回答  2013-09-20



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