

( )1.I think you are going to have fun the stories.
A.listen to B.listening to C.listening D.to listen to
( )2.Tom is the tallest the five children, but he isn’t the tallest his class.
A.in, in B.of, in C.in, of D.of, of
( )3.She often her homework at 8:00, but today she it at 9:00 this evening.
A.does, is doing B.is doing, does
C.does, is going to do D.does, are going to do
( )4.I don’t like this pen. Please give me one.
A.other B.another C.the other D.others
( )5.My bag is bigger than .
A.your B.him C.her D.his
( )6.There a football match next Friday.
A.is going to have B.is going to be C.has D.have
( )7.Kate is here tomorrow.
A.going B.going to C.come D.coming
( )8.This ruler is than that one.
A.much short B.shortest C.much shorter D.the shorter
( )9.” are you going there?” “By bike.”
A.What B.How C.When D.Where
( )10.Would you like another apple? , I’m full.
A.Yes, please. B.No, please. C.No, thanks. D.Yes, thanks.
( )11.What about ?
A.going fishing B.go fishing C.go to fish D.fish
( )12.Everyone in our class English.
A.like B.is like C.likes D.are like
( )13.The old man doesn’t know all the names.
A.childrens’ B.child C.children’s D.child’s
( )14.Here is a card you, our best wishes.
A.to, with B.for, with C.with, to D.with, for
( )15.Please to my home this afternoon.
A.come from B.come back C.come out D.come over二、单词拼写:根据句意写单词。(8分)
1.I’m a I have no idea.
2. Chao Yang is my h .
4.We’re going on a p this afternoon.
5.I’m too t . I’m going to have a rest.
6.Beijing is a city.(漂亮的)
7.The food on the table is .(美味的)
8.Let’s your birthday at home.(庆祝)
9.His drawing is than his sister’s(好)三、完成句子。(每空一词,共12分)
Best for .
Our teacher has to tell us.
is , English maths?
I’m about English well.
They have some the top of the mountam.
I’m going to a card our teacher.
The students of Class 4 .四、同义句转换。(每空一词,共12分)
1.Why don’t you go out with your brother?
Why out with your brother?
2.I’m going to the shop this evening.
I’m going to this evening.
3.We have a lot of fun flying kites.
We have fun flying kites.
4.The Changjiang River is longer than any other river in China.
The Changjiang River is river in China.
5.We’re going to study Lesson Twelve today.
We’re going to study today.五、完形填空:(10分)
Mrs Green is going to 1 a birthday party for Mary. Mary is her 2 . Mary 3 thirteen years old. A lot of Mary’s friends 4 to come to the party. There are going to 5 twenty girls at the party.
Mrs Green is 6 ready for the party. Mary is helping her.
“That’s a nice cake.” Mrs White says to Mrs Green.
“Thank you 7 .”
Mrs Green is going shopping now. She’s buying some fruit 8 the party.
Mrs White buys some fruit, too. She buys a lot of oranges, apples and 9 . Then she goes home.
It’s three o’clock in the afternoon. 10 is ready. Now the first girl is arriving(到达). The party is going to start.
( )1.A.give B.has C.get D.do
( )2.A.son B.daughter C.friend D.sister
( )3.A.is going to be B.will be C.are going to be D.is having
( )4.A.is going B.are going C.go D.goes
( )5.A.have B.has C.be D.are
( )6.A.gets B.getting C.get D.being
( )7.A.very B.much C.very much D.much very
( )8.A.to B.for C.at D.in
( )9.A.fish B.eggs C.bananas D.bags
( )10.A.Nothing B.Everything C.Something D.Anything六、阅读理解,并做文后练习。
Mr Brown always says, “I’m going to clean my room this afternoon” or “I’m goint to wash my car this afternoon”. But he isn’t going to do anythign(). People call him Mr Going-to-do.
It’s Sunday. Mr Brown knows Mrs Green is making cakes. Mr Brown goes to Mrs Green’s house and talks to her. “I’m going to buy a new fridge next week”, he says, “or I’m going to make cakes next Saturday.”
Mrs Green says, “Are you, Mr Brown?” Then Mr Brown eats some cakes and says, “Well, thank you. I’m going to eat less(较少) next week.” Mrs Green knows he isn’t goingto do anything. After he leaves she says to her son, “Don’t be another Mr Going-to-do!”
( )1.Mr Brown is busy cleaning his room and car every day.
( )2.Mr Brown does many things every day, so people call him Mr Going-to-do.
( )3.Mr Brown plans(计划) to do many things, but he does nothing.
( )4.Mrs Green is going to buy a fridge for her cakes.
( )5.Mrs Green doesn’t like Mr Brown.
A woman is going shopping. There is a river on her way, and she must go by boat.
Now the boat is in the middle of the river. Oh dear! Something is wrong! The woman’s shopping basket is in the river, and the water is taking it away!
“Help!” she says. “Look! My basket is in the river.”
The man sees the basket. He says, “Don’t worry! I can get it back! I’m a very good swimmer.”
He takes off his shirt and shoes. “Look after my shirt and shoes, please!” he says, and jumps into the river.
A duck sees the basket. “I can go by basket!” it thinks. It gets into the basket.
The man is swimming in the river. “Where’s the basket?” he calls.
“It’s over there!” calls the woman. “It’s behind you! It’s under that duck!”
the man gets to the basket. “Go away!”he says to the duck. The duck jumps out of the basket and swims away. The man takes the basket to the boat.
“Oh, thank you!” says the woman, “Thank you very much.”
“Not at all!” says the man, “Do you keep my shirt and shoes, please?”
“Yes, here you are. Oh! What’s this ing the basket? It’s an egg! A big egg!”
“—It’s for you, madam!”
( )6.The woman has a with her to do the shopping.
A.boy B.duck C.boat D.basket
( )7.What’s wrong when they are in the middle of the river?
A.The boat is broken.
B.A man is swimming in the river and he wants to get into the boat.
C.The woman’s basket is in the river. D.A duck gets into the basket.
( )8. can swim and helps the woman.
A.A man, he B.A girl, she C.A worker, he D.Another woman, she
( )9.Whose egg is it? Do you think?
A.The woman’s. B.The duck’s. C.The man’s. D.Nobody’s.
( )10.Does the woman get her basket back?
A.Yes, she does. B.No, she doesn’t. C.Maybe she does. D.I don’t know.七、书面表达。(8分)
A:Good after. I you?
B:Yes, please. I’d like some mooncakes.
A:Which do you like better, the ones with meat or the ones with eggs?
B:The ones with meat, please.
A:OK. do you want?
B:Four. And are they?
A:Twenty yuan.
B:OK. the money.
A: you.



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