

Ready - "Burning to avenge" ---复仇在燃烧
Warcry - "By the blood of the high-born!" ---为了高等精灵之血!
What1 - "Do you see something?" --你看到什么了吗?
What2 - (Elvish) ---(精灵语)
What3 - "Evil is near." ---邪恶就在附近
What4 - "I am here, mortal." ---我在这,人类。
What5 - "This battle bores me." ---战争让我厌倦
Yes1 - (Elvish)
Yes2 - "For my people."---为了我的人民
Yes3 - (Elvish)
Yes4 - "For now."---就是现在。
Yes5 - "Bah, childs play."---呸,小孩子的玩意儿。
YesAttack1 - "I\'ll incinerate them." ---我来把他们烧成灰烬。
YesAttack2 - "For Quel\'Thalas!" ---为了Quel\'Thalas!(高等精灵国家)
YesAttack3 - "They shall burn" ---他们该被烧尽。
Pissed1 - "The blood of the high-born is my birth right." ---高等精灵之血是我出生的权利。
Pissed2 - "The ghosts of Quel\'Thalas cry out for vengeance" ---Quel\'Thalas的灵魂在呼喊着复仇。
Pissed3 - "I find your insolence disturbing" ---你的傲慢让人恶心。
Pissed4 - "If you dont master your anger, your anger will master you. I should know" ---如果你不能控制你的愤怒, 你就会被你的愤怒控制。我应该知道的。(却没有做到。。)(玩游戏也是一样,If you don\'t master your game,your game will master you,we should know.:)
Pissed5 - "Hi. My... name is Roy. I\'m a magic addict." *murmuring*"Hi Roy" ---“hi,我的名字。。。是Roy,我为魔法痴迷”。*自言自语声*hi,Roy。(学魔法的家伙,多少有点神经。。)
Pissed6 - "My blood cries out for the vengeance of my people\'s blood. Which can only be repaid with at least twice as much blood. Or maybe three times as much blood. Like if you went to hell, and it was full of blood. And that blood was on fire. And it was raining blood. And maybe that would be enough blood. Ehh, but probably not."
第1个回答  2013-09-10
他的名字叫凯尔萨斯已解决问题 收藏 转载到QQ空间 求人族血魔法师的全部台词 [ 标签:求人,魔法师,台词 ] 急需 魔兽中血法 在战役和对战中所有的台词 要中英对照的 多谢拉!! 小小贝 回答:2 人气:2 解决时间:2009-08-19 17:32 满意答案血法师
Ready - "Burning to avenge" ---复仇在燃烧
Warcry - "By the blood of the high-born!" ---为了高等精灵之血!
What1 - "Do you see something?" --你看到什么了吗?
What2 - (Elvish) ---(精灵语)
What3 - "Evil is near." ---邪恶就在附近
What4 - "I am here, mortal." ---我在这,人类。
What5 - "This battle bores me." ---战争让我厌倦
Yes1 - (Elvish)
Yes2 - "For my people."---为了我的人民
Yes3 - (Elvish)
Yes4 - "For now."---就是现在。
Yes5 - "Bah, childs play."---呸,小孩子的玩意儿。
YesAttack1 - "I'll incinerate them." ---我来把他们烧成灰烬。
YesAttack2 - "For Quel'Thalas!" ---为了Quel'Thalas!(高等精灵国家)
YesAttack3 - "They shall burn" ---他们该被烧尽。
Pissed1 - "The blood of the high-born is my birth right." ---高等精灵之血是我出生的权利。
Pissed2 - "The ghosts of Quel'Thalas cry out for vengeance" ---Quel'Thalas的灵魂在呼喊着复仇。
Pissed3 - "I find your insolence disturbing" ---你的傲慢让人恶心。
Pissed4 - "If you dont master your anger, your anger will master you. I should know" ---如果你不能控制你的愤怒, 你就会被你的愤怒控制。我应该知道的。(却没有做到。。)(玩游戏也是一样,If you don't master your game,your game will master you,we should know.:)
Pissed5 - "Hi. My... name is Roy. I'm a magic addict." *murmuring*"Hi Roy" ---“hi,我的名字。。。是Roy,我为魔法痴迷”。*自言自语声*hi,Roy。(学魔法的家伙,多少有点神经。。)
Pissed6 - "My blood cries out for the vengeance of my people's blood. Which can only be repaid with at least twice as much blood. Or maybe three times as much blood. Like if you went to hell, and it was full of blood. And that blood was on fire. And it was raining blood. And maybe that would be enough blood. Ehh, but probably not."
并且值得注意的是,这里有个很有趣的地方:在twice之前有2个blood,在three之前有3个blood,将full和fire看成four和five*谐音*,那么full之前也是4个blood。而fire所指的‘that blood’,就是full后面的那个,正是第五个blood。当然这只是我个人的看法,不知道是不是正确的:)
第2个回答  2013-09-10
"They shall burn"就记得这句。
第3个回答  2013-09-10



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