典范英语7 坦白的梗概


综述:Derek and Janey put paint on the teacher's pants and wanted to take them home for washing. Unexpectedly, they took the glue as washing powder and planned to take it to the dry cleaner, but they forgot it on the bus. 

Had to confess to the teacher, just about to say, the kitchen caught fire, and the teacher covered the fire with his clothes. It's all dirty. The teacher wants to buy it again.


第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-24
就是Derek 和 Janey把老师的裤子弄上了颜料,就想带回家洗,可没想到却把胶水当成了洗衣粉,就打算拿到干洗店去洗,却忘在了公交车上。不得已向老师坦白,刚要说,厨房就着火了,老师就把他的衣服盖住了大火。这下都脏了,老师要再去买,
和 Janey建议他买绿色的。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-09-24
第3个回答  2019-08-23
Derek and Janey put paint on the teacher's pants and wanted to take them home to wash them, but unexpectedly they used glue as washing powder. They planned to take them to the dry cleaners and left them on the bus. he had to confess to the teacher. As soon as he was about to say that the kitchen was on fire, the teacher covered the fire with his clothes. It's all dirty. The teacher wants to buy it again. Derek and Janey advise him to buy a green one.



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