
高人帮忙找找美丽的神话的韩文版(要全韩文的,有没?)不要成龙,金喜善的还有那首英文版的you and me我是疯了,找了一下午把所有的you and me都听过来了没有!谁帮忙找找?高分,给个能下载的链接PS:再次重复,不要成龙金喜善的,也不要孙楠韩红的谢了!要英文和韩文的

对不起,我看了几个都不是,连接也不对,只找到歌词You and Me(美丽的神话 – 英语版)

You and me, together make the world
The world we love, we share, we pray
We know our love is endless, till we die
I’m happy you and me have tried

Trust me forever, a truly heart of mine
You know your love can’t be denied
I promise I will never, never make a lie
Whatever I scarifies

You and me, hand in hand so tight
To make, to build our paradise
We know we should never ever change our mind
Till the last moment of our lives

You and me, heart to heart so high
To sing, to enjoy our lullaby
No matter how hard our life is, we have to face
We dream, we love, we fly

Love is the word we’ll forever say
To say it between you and me
第1个回答  2018-04-21
。。 那好像是成龙 和金喜善的 美丽的神话吧
第2个回答  2013-09-13
那首 我知道 不过连接我给忘了



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