


Play is a child’s natural way to learn. Children try and practise new physical(身体的), mental(智力的) and social(社交的) skills through play. As a child grows, play gives the chance to show his feelings. Future learning is based on play. It is the way a child learns to concentrate, to imagine things, to think out new ideas, and to practise grown-up activities. Today’s stacking and counting blocks(堆垛及计算积木) is tomorrow’s maths and science lesson. Several afternoons of finger painting may open a young mind to creativity in the art.
Before children begin to go to school, they become interested in playing with other children. Play then becomes a social experience. Games are an important part of playing with other children.
Television can also be a teaching toy. However, television can’t take the place of face-to-face play with people. It can do only when people watch television with the child and talk about the new ideas and words that the child sees
Play can help a child to imagine things. An ordinary cardboard box becomes a spaceship or a kitchen stove(炉) through play. Children can discover the real world through their make-believe(虚假的) world of play—they enjoy copying the activities of grown-ups and older brothers and sisters.
Play helps the progress of exercise and coordination(协调) for children of all ages, from the baby kicking in the little bed to the baby who can just walk, and to the kid who can ride a tricycle(三轮车).
( )16. Children try and practise new skills of __ through play.
A. reading B. writing
C. reading and writing D. getting on well with others
( )17. If a child often _, it will help him with his maths and science in the future.
A. plays with blocks B. rides bicycle
C. paints with a finger D. talks with others
( )18. If __, television can be a teaching toy.
A. the child watches TV with his friends
B. the child talks about the new ideas and words that he sees with others
C. the child watches TV alone
D. parents and their child watch TV together

( )19. Children can discover the real world by ___.
A. drawing pictures B. copying the activities of older people
C. watching television D. playing computer games
( )20. According to the passage, the writer thinks __.
A. parents should encourage their children to play
B. grown-ups shouldn’t play with children
C. television can take the place of playing with people
D. play helps the progress of exercise and coordination only for the baby
第1个回答  2013-06-12
Your Passport(护照) Please!
Mr Hill arrives at London Airport, at the end of a threeweek holiday in France.
Usually he wears a beard(留胡须). Since it has been hot there, he has taken
it off(剃掉). But his passport photo shows him with his beard.\$
An office looks at the photo for a moment, and says: "Will you excuse me?
Please sit down. I shan't keep you long." With this, he walks away, shows the
photo to a second office, and says: "I know that face." The second officer looks
at the passport and asks where Mr Hill has come from. When he hears that Mr
Hill has arrived back from Paris, the second officer smiled and says: "An Englishman
with a beard stole a painting in Paris on Friday, And that man looks just the
kind of man ..."
Suddenly it comes to the first officer who Mr Hill is. He returns to him,
and asks: "Did you teach at the No.2 . High School?" When Mr Hill answers,
in surprise, that he did, the first officer smiles and says: "I thought so.
I'm Jack Smith. You taught me French. You haven't changed a bit."

1. Mr Hill ____.
A. has just come back from the airport.
B. is on his way to Paris.
C. spent three weeks in Paris before he went to France.
D. has been in France for three weeks
2. Mr Hill ____.
A. has a beard on his face but not in his photo
B. grew a beard while he was on holiday
C. has a beard in his photo but not on his face
D. took his beard off long before he went on holiday.
3. The first officer is sure ____.
A. Mr Hill stole the painting
B. he has seen the face in the photo before
C. he knows the second officer's face
D. a man without a beard stole the painting
4. The second officer says that ____.
A. Mr Hill stole the painting
B. a man with a beard, from France, stole a painting in English
C. an Englishman took his beard off and stole a painting
D. a man with a beard, from England, stole a painting in Paris.
5. Mr Hill taught ____.
A. Jack Smith French at the No. 2 High School
B. Jack Smith to be a first officer
C. at the No.2 High School, in France
D. French some years ago and his name was Smith, not Hill
第2个回答  2013-06-12
Cancer is among the top killer diseases in our society today and scientists have found out that stress helps to bring it on. It is necessary to consider, therefore, what the causes of stress are in our lives, and whether we can do something about it.
Do we have too many responsibilities(责任)? Do we have a right balance of work and relaxation in our lives? Are our relationships(关系) with family, friends or fellow workers all that they should be?
All these things can be causes of stress, and it is best to face them honestly. People who have a good row(吵架) and then forget it are doing better than those who bottle up their feelings.
If we want to lighten the stress, let us consider what we can do about it. It is possible to change jobs. We can get more free time and live more happily, if we accept a different living standard. We can improve our personal relationships by a different attitude. It is we who allow other people to make ourselves unhappy. Often the little things that disturb(扰乱) us are not worth an hour’s anger.
( )21. What have scientists found out?
A. Cancer is the top killer disease in our society today.
B. Stress helps to cause cancer.
C. Cancer is the main cause of stress.
D. Cancer can’t be cured forever.
( )22. Our stress may come from __.
A. good relationships with family or friends
B. too many responsibilities
C. easy work
D. too much relaxation
( )23. The underlined phrase, “bottle up”, means ---.
A. please B. show C. hide D. express
( )24. What can we do to make our stress lighter?
A. Change our jobs. B. Change our attitude towards little things.
C. Accept a different living standard. D. All the above.
( )25. Which can be the title of this passage?
A. Cancer B. Stress C. Row D. Anger

Ⅱ. 16-20 DABBA 21-25 BBCDB



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