
[方法] 应用大学生消费相关信息调查问卷,采用分层随机抽样的方法,对郴州市某高校630名在校学生进行现况调查。用t检验、卡方检验等方法对该校大学生消费现状相关因素进行分析。
[结果] 共发放问卷630份,回收并判定为有效的问卷共582份,有效回收率为92.4%。运用SPSSl3.0软件对数据进行统计分析。t检验结果表明:是否独生子女(t=4.003,P=0.000)、是否谈恋爱(t=3.509,P=0.001)、不同家庭所在地(t=-2.710,P=0.011)、的大学生的消费情况存在差异。方差分析结果表明:性格倾向(F=9.936,P<0.001)、家庭收入(F=32.628,P<0.001)、家庭类别(F=9.936,P<0.001)、父亲文化程度(F=6.779,P<0.001)、母亲文化程度(F=8.743,P<0.001)不同的大学生的消费情况存在差异。
[结论] 该校大学生的消费现状存在不合理的情况,可能是受是否独生子女、是否谈恋爱、家庭收入、不同家庭所在地、家庭类别、父母亲文化程度等多种因素影响。

第1个回答  2013-05-31
Methods: The study used College Students' Consumption and Related Information questionnaire. Adopting a stratified random sampling approach, 630 were drawn/chosen from a college in 郴州 city as the study sample. T-tests and chi-square tests were conducted to analyze the extent to which the status of consumption among college students were associated with a number of factors.
Results: The questionnaires were mailed to 630 students, and 582 returned the survey (with a response rate of 92.4%), which were considered acceptable. Based on the statistical analyses using SPSS V3.0, the results indicate that student consumption was significantly associated with the following factors: 1. whether being one child in the family (yes=0; no=1) t=4.003,P=0.000), 2.
结果部分有很多问题, 建议你修改一下,我再帮你翻译。修改的重点在于相关系数, 要明确方向,比如,是否独生子女? “是” 还是 “不是” (哪一种回答被指定为0, 哪一种为1)。
第2个回答  2013-05-30
[Method] application college consumer information questionnaire, using stratified random sampling method, Chenzhou City, a 630 college students in the school status investigation. T-test, chi-square test and other methods for school students Consumption related factors were analyzed.
[Results] questionnaires were distributed and 630 were returned and determined to be 582 valid questionnaires, the effective rate was 92.4%. Use SPSSl3.0 software for data for statistical analysis. t test results showed that: whether child (t = 4.003, P = 0.000), whether love (t = 3.509, P = 0.001), different family seat (t = -2.710, P = 0.011), the consumption of college students there are differences. ANOVA results showed that: personality tendencies (F = 9.936, P <0.001), family income (F = 32.628, P <0.001), household types (F = 9.936, P <0.001), father's education level (F = 6.779, P <0.001), maternal education level (F = 8.743, P <0.001) the consumption of different students differ.
[Conclusion] The school students' consumption situation untenable situation, may be affected by whether the child, whether love, family income, different family seat, household types, parental education level and other factors.
Keywords: college students; consumption; consumer behavior; nonperforming consumer; Chenzhou City



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