谁有《Desperado》 歌词的中文翻译?拜托各位大神


《Desperado》 desperado,why don't come to your senses? 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? you've been out-riding fences for so long now 你已经犹豫了很久(或许你该清醒了) oh you're hard one , 哦,你这固执的家伙 but I know that you've got your "reasons" 但我知道你有自己的“理由” these things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehow 那些取悦你的东西也同时在无端地伤害着你 don't you draw the queen of diamonds boy 男孩,你为什么不孤注一掷呢?(弄一张方片皇后) she'll beat you if she's able 如果可以她将尽力打败你(如果你想毁掉你自己) you know the queen of hearts is always your best bet 你知道你一直都心存恐惧(你知道最好的赌注一直是红心) now it seems to me some fine things 现在,我眼中的好东西 have been laid upon your table 都已经放在你的桌上 but you only want the ones that you can't get 但是你只留恋那还未得到的 desperado,oh,you ain't gettin no younger 亡命之徒,噢,你已经不再年轻 your pain and your hunger 你的痛苦,你的饥饿 they're driving you home 他们正驱赶你回家 freedom,oh,freedom well that's just some people talking 自由,啊,自由,那只是人们说说而已 your prison is walking though this world all along 你的罪恶正蔓延到这一整个世界 don't your feet get cold in the winter time 冬天,你的脚不冷吗? the sky won't snow and the sun won't shine 天空不下雪,太阳也不会再出现 it's hard to tell the night time from the day 区分白天与夜晚是如此之难 you're losin' all your highs and lows ,ain't it funny how the feelin' goes away? 你正失去你的分寸,而你失去分寸的原因却这样可笑 desperado,why don't come to your senses 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? come down from your fences,open the gate 不要再犹豫了,放宽心 it may be raining 或许会下雨 but there's a rainhow above you 但你的头上会出现彩虹的 you'd better let somebody love you 你最好让别人爱上你 (let somebody love you) 让别人爱上你 you'd better let somebody love you 你最好让别人爱上你 before it's too late 在为时已晚之前...



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