

Are you in Singapore now?I heard that the weather there isn't nice these days, isn't it?Please keep safe(be careful/take care),what are you busy doing?Enjoy the scene there?Singapore is a garden city,do you like here?If it is possible ,welcome to China!来自:求助得到的回答
第1个回答  2013-05-20
Are you in Singapore now? It is said that there is bad weather these days? Please pay attention to keep safety. What are you doing now? Enjoy the scenery? Singapore is a garden city, do you like it? And welcome you come to China if you get a chance.
第2个回答  2013-05-20
have you arrived singapore? it is said that these days will be bad weather over there. take care yourself. what are you doing now? enjoy the beautiful view? singapore is a garden city, do you like it?if possible you get some free time,welcome to China?



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