英语单句改错题,要答案!!求解析!! there are none calories in water. don't showing the students

around our school.
we are looking forward to see you at Chinese new year.
sandy will get in beijing at 8'o clock.
tom's home is opposite to our school.
Li lie reaches to Beijing in the afternoon.
it is her the twentieth birthday today.

There are none(no) calories in water.

Don't showing(show) the students around our school.

We are looking forward to see(seeing) you at Chinese new year.
解释:这个to是介词,而非不定式to do,动词要加ing。

Sandy will get in(to) beijing at 8'o clock.
解释:到达,get to。

Tom's home is opposite to(去掉to) our school.

Li lie reaches to(去掉to) Beijing in the afternoon.
解释:reach 是及物动词,不需要介词to。

It is her the(去掉the) twentieth birthday today.
第1个回答  2013-06-04

    none 不对,用no none通常和of 连用,这是语感,为什么用no我说不出来

    showing 不对,要用show,don't 后面跟动词原形

    see变成seeing,look forward to 后面加v-ing。

    get in变成arrive in ,arrive in ,到达某个大地方,arrive at 到达某个小地方,如arrive at the airport

    be opposite to 是反对的意思,面对应该是Tom's home is opposite our school

    reach to 是达到,高达,延伸之意,到达某地还是用arrive in

    去掉the,her是她的,或者the twentieth birthday of her

第2个回答  2013-06-04
1showing改成show 助动词后动词原形
2see改成seeing look forward to doing固定句型 盼望期待做某事
3in改成to get to到达的意思
4is后面加on to改成of on opposite在..对面
5to去掉 reach直接加地点
6the去掉 前面有物主代词
第3个回答  2013-06-04
around our school.(around 改为all)翻译为:我们全校
we are looking forward to see you at Chinese new year.(see改为meet)见到你
sandy will get in beijing at 8'o clock.(in改为to)get to 到达
tom's home is opposite to our school.(to 去掉)在我学校对面
Li lie reaches to Beijing in the afternoon.(to 去掉不要)reach直接加地点
it is her the twentieth birthday today(the去掉)



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