高分悬赏!求原创英语作文一篇!!!题目:what negative effects can you think of competition

题目:what negative effects can you think of competition can bring to a person's life as well as to the society as a while?大学作文200字以上,每段要以topic sentence + detailed support的形式展开!

Competition tends to play a double-edged role in our everyday life,as it can let one keep on moving and not let up,there are quite a few negative effects existing.As far as i am concerned ,the primary ones are as follows:
First,owing to excessive competition,many traditional values like teamwork and cooperation are discarded far away,instead people are highly likely to go after personal interests at the expense of others and public interests,which is demonstrated by the recent happening accident Dumping death pig in which the farmers dumped all the death pigs to the river only for the sake of convenience and saving for money.
Second.for ones who are not euipped with psychological quality,if they fail in the competition,this will stand for a huge confrontation for them so that they will possibly lose the failth in their future life.
In a word,moderate competition is indispensable for the onging development of society,but we should avoid excessive competition exactly for the reasons above.



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