悠长假期英文插曲close to you,原唱是谁?请并附歌词!


Close To You
Silence fills my room
I'm so all alone
I dream of you lying here next to me
I wanna hold you in my arms
Underneath the stars
Feel the wind blowing thru your hair
Your hand in mine
I adore you,please don't ever go
Keep you close to me,cause I need you so

Imagine you and me,in a field fo dreams
The earth is still and time never ends
I''d climb the highest mountain
Just to be with you
When you're near
I feel warm inside
We'll be as one
I adore you,please don't ever go
Keep you close to me,cause I need you so

《(They Long To Be) Close To You》
Carpenters的成名曲。Carpenters不是这首歌的原唱,Dionne Warwick和Dusty Springfield都演唱过这首歌,但始终没有走红。 Richard舒缓的改编突出了温暖的 小号独奏和柔润的加利福尼亚式和声的渲染。原作者Burt Bacharach说:“我认为理查德真正抓住了这首歌的精华。”事实证明了这一点:在过去40年所有发行过的Bacharach 歌曲几百个版本中,唯有这一首取得冠军宝座。 《Close To You》为Carpenters赢得两项格莱美奖:最佳年度新人奖和最佳时代组合歌手奖。

这个机会,对于木匠兄妹来说,当然是求之不得的,于是立刻进行编曲的工作。这时,赫伯亚柏特前来找理查,建议他采用柏特拜克拉发表于1963年的一首“They?Long?to?Be?Close?to?You”。柏特拜克拉曾经希望他录制这首歌曲,不过赫伯亚柏特觉得歌词当中的某一句对他自己而言,似乎显得太“年轻”了一点,所以始终没有予以灌录。他并且提到,Dionne?Warwick/狄昂华薇克曾经录制过这首歌曲,但是他希望理查暂时不要理会别人是怎么唱的,等到他想好自己要如何的诠释,再去听华薇克当初的录音版本。 虽然这首歌由于和理查已经挑好的其他作品不太搭得上,所以最后他的混和曲里面并没有采用这首歌曲。但是,理查却爱上了它,对于它的旋律始终念念不忘,于是当木匠兄妹进行第二张专辑的时候,他就拉着妹妹,一起进入录音室,灌录了这首歌。而由于他觉得原来的歌名“They?Long?to?Be?Close?to?You”太长了,所以他就予以简化,把前面的四个单字加上括弧,简称为“Close?to?You”。录音完成之后,赫伯亚柏特问理查,自己认为市场对这首歌会有什么样的反应。理查的回答是,如果它没有得到冠军,也将是A&M成立以来最畅销的作品。


why do birds suddenly appear
every time you are near?
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
why do stars fall down from the sky
every time you walk by?
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
on the day that you were born
the angels got together
and decided to create a dream come true

so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair
of gold
and starlight in your eyes of blue.
that is why all the girls in town
follow you all around.
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
on the day that you were born
the angels got together
and decided to create a dream come true

so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair
of gold
and starlight in your eyes of blue.
that is why all the girls in town
follow you all around.
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
close to you.
hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
第1个回答  2013-07-01
是乐团cagnet的作品,这首歌叫《close to me》 ,《close to you》不是long vacation 里面的钢琴曲么?
悠长假期 与 恋爱世纪 里的配乐都是cagnet完成的,他们在美国组队,而让他们一炮而红的正式悠长假期
第2个回答  2012-04-04
歌手是Natalie Burks;属于Cagnet乐队;



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