
张悦然在《十爱》中塑造了众多人物形象 ,并通过这些人物形象去诠释爱的意义。作品《十爱》中人物所表现出的悲剧、单纯、病态的心理较好地体现了作者创作过程中的悲剧心理、童话心理与极端心理。
注:《十爱》Ten Tales of Love

第1个回答  2008-06-02
Yueran Cheung portrayed numerous images of dramatis personaein in "Ten Tales of Love",and interpreted meaning of love by the images of dramatis personaein.tragic pute and morbid psychology which is shown by the dramatis personaein in the works "Ten Tales of love" is preferably impregnated with tragic psychology,fairy psychology and extreme psychology which was in the author's production process.
第2个回答  2008-06-02

Zhang Yueran in "Ten Tales of Love" in the mold of the many characters, and through these characters to interpret love of great significance. Work "10 Love" in the figures shown by the tragedy, simply, pathological mental better reflect the author's creative process in the tragedy of mental, psychological and extreme psychological fairy tale.本回答被网友采纳



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