

第1个回答  2009-02-16
1 whether you success depends on how hard you work. 2 after the palaces were reconstructed and open to the public, many people go to visist them 3. In addition to the above mentioned, we must remove things that are likely armfull to young people
第2个回答  2009-02-16
1. Your success depends on your diligence.
2. The Palace received a large amount of tourists after its restoration and reopen to the public.
3. Besides what is mentioned above, we have to eliminate what might harm the youth.
第3个回答  2009-02-16
1 Whether you can succeed depend on how much you have paid
2 After the reconstruction of the Summer Palace and its being open to the public, a great many people have visited it.
3 In additional to what has been referred above, we must remove anything that may be harmful to the young.
第4个回答  2009-02-16
1. whether you do succeed are decided by the effort.
2. inside the palace reconstruction and opens after the public, many people go to visit.
3. except above mentioned that we must remove possibly to the young people harmful thing.
第5个回答  2009-02-16
1. Whether you succeed in depending on the intensity of efforts.
2. After palace rebuild and open to the public, visit inside a lot of people go
3. Except above-mentioned, we must remove the thing that may be harmful to young people.



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