
1.Mr. Baker suggested a good way ____ prices from ____ .
A.to stop;rising B.of stopping;being risen C.to stop;raising D.stopping;being raised
正解:A (C为什么不行?)

2.You ____ only half the price, how would the seller sell the jacket to you?
A.spent B.paid C.charged D.offered
正解:D (A为什么不可以?)

3.Do you agree to his way ____ the problem is settled?
A.which B.how C.that D.by which
正解:C (如果有选项是 in which是不是也可以呢?)

4.Don't go without us.We ____ the experiment.
A.will almost finish B.have almost finished C.almost finished D.are almost finishing
正解:B (我觉得D没什么错啊。)

5.A group of middle schoolers ____ college students for a day recently and experienced the fun of learning when they tourd Harvard University.
A.has become B.had become C.became D.become
正解:C (既然句子中有recently 那为什么不用现在完成式?)

6.We had intended to do everything according to the schedule ,but it didn't ____ as planned.
A.make up B.turn out C.go on D.come up
正解:B (go on 不是有继续,进行的意思么?用在这里为什么不对?)

7.A number of flights ____ because of the thick fog.
A.were hold up B.got held up C.got hold of D.held up
正解:B (A为什么不可以?)

8.To prevent cybercrime more efficiently,it is important to make new laws and creat international standards for them similar to ____ concerning international airspace.
A.that B.what C.one D.those
正解:D (选B有什么错么?)

9.____ to the sunlight for too much time will do harm to your skin.
A.Exposed B.Being exposed C.Having exposed D.To expose
正解:B (A也没什么错吧?)

10.-How do you like the books?
-Oh,they are wonderful.People here think ____ of the books.
A.a great deal B.a great many C.a number D.a plenty
正解:A (呃,这句话什么意思?)

11.All of you ____ at the school gate!We'll soon start.
A.are gathering B.will gather C.have gathered D.gather
正解:D (A就不可以么?)

12.Even if the treatment ____ ,there is still magic pill for patients in the late stages of Aids.
A.does B.uses C.works D.helps
正解:C (D为什么不可以?)

13.If I ever decided to quit,then nothing my parents or my coaches ____ say ____ change my mind.It's my life,not theirs.
A.could;would B.could;should C.would;must D.would;should
正解:A (做这种题目只能凭语感么?有没有什么语法规则或者技巧?)

1.Mr. Baker suggested a good way ____ prices from ____ .
A.to stop;rising B.of stopping;being risen C.to stop;raising D.stopping;being raised
正解:A (C为什么不行?)
这句话里其实正过来讲是price rise,后面没宾语了,所以用不及物动词

2.You ____ only half the price, how would the seller sell the jacket to you?
A.spent B.paid C.charged D.offered
正解:D (A为什么不可以?)

3.Do you agree to his way ____ the problem is settled?
A.which B.how C.that D.by which
正解:C (如果有选项是 in which是不是也可以呢?)
in不恰当,因为settle the problem by...way

4.Don't go without us.We ____ the experiment.
A.will almost finish B.have almost finished C.almost finished D.are almost finishing
正解:B (我觉得D没什么错啊。)

5.A group of middle schoolers ____ college students for a day recently and experienced the fun of learning when they tourd Harvard University.
A.has become B.had become C.became D.become
正解:C (既然句子中有recently 那为什么不用现在完成式?)

6.We had intended to do everything according to the schedule ,but it didn't ____ as planned.
A.make up B.turn out C.go on D.come up
正解:B (go on 不是有继续,进行的意思么?用在这里为什么不对?)
turn out 的意思是结果。这句话出题的意思就是结果出来并不像计划那样。这个是固定搭配,很容易考到,从应试的角度,选B更确切。go on也不是不对,但只能选最好的。

7.A number of flights ____ because of the thick fog.
A.were hold up B.got held up C.got hold of D.held up
正解:B (A为什么不可以?)
搭配。强调这个动作的过程性,而用were hold up 不对。Held才对

8.To prevent cybercrime more efficiently,it is important to make new laws and creat international standards for them similar to ____ concerning international airspace.
A.that B.what C.one D.those
正解:D (选B有什么错么?)

9.____ to the sunlight for too much time will do harm to your skin.
A.Exposed B.Being exposed C.Having exposed D.To expose
正解:B (A也没什么错吧?)

10.-How do you like the books?
-Oh,they are wonderful.People here think ____ of the books.
A.a great deal B.a great many C.a number D.a plenty
正解:A (呃,这句话什么意思?)

11.All of you ____ at the school gate!We'll soon start.
A.are gathering B.will gather C.have gathered D.gather
正解:D (A就不可以么?)

12.Even if the treatment ____ ,there is still magic pill for patients in the late stages of Aids.
A.does B.uses C.works D.helps
正解:C (D为什么不可以?)

13.If I ever decided to quit,then nothing my parents or my coaches ____ say ____ change my mind.It's my life,not theirs.
A.could;would B.could;should C.would;must D.would;should
正解:A (做这种题目只能凭语感么?有没有什么语法规则或者技巧?)

第1个回答  2009-01-09
1. raise是及物动词,如果以raising这种主动形态出现,后面要有宾语。


3.way表示方式方法,后面跟定语从句,三种引导方式,in which,that,或者省略。



6. turn out表示“结果。。。”,因为这里要表示出一种意外的感觉。

7. 选A要说were held up


9.A错了。因为这里需要一个动名词做主语,只有being done是动名词结构,done不能做动名词。

10.我觉得这里的a great deal就等于highly的意思。

11. 这里略带有命令的口气,所以不用现在进行时。

12. 个人觉得如果主语是人的话,可以说help,如果是sth,用work更通顺。

13. 这里的could表示“能够”,can和could都有这个意思,但would没有“能够”的意思。后面那个would表示过去将来时,因为if的句子里需要主将从现。




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