

1.-Mom, the door _____. My keys are locked in it again .
-You ____it! I told you always to carry your keys with you .
A.won’t open ; asked for B.can’t be opened ; are asking for

2.Van Gogh succeeded in selling only one painting in his lifetime , and ____ was sold to his brother
A.that B.one

3.She couldn't put ____ on the heels of her feet,so she walked on tiptoe.
A.strength B.pressure

4.We didn't plan our art exhibition like that but it ____ very well.
A.work out B.went out

5.I will never forget the scene ____ I was criticized by my hostess when I was making an observation in the USA.
A.that B.where

6.We need to think outside of box ____ we are to come up with something really new.
A.so that B.while C.once D.if

7.In order to stop poverty,the World Bank has ____ its focus to proving technical assistance and long-term loans to developing countries.
A.fixed B.exchanged C.transferred D.switched

8.His sister is said ____ in the supermarket when she was doing shopping there yesterday.
A.to be badly treated B.to have been badly treated

9.-May I go and play with Tom this afternoon,Mum?
-No.You can't go out ____ your homework is being done.
A.until B.since C.before

10.The custom if eating zongzi(粽子) in the Dragon Boat Festival came into ____ in the Warring States Period(战国时期).
A.existence B.appearance

B 题意"妈妈,门打不开了.我钥匙又锁在里面了."他妈妈说的第一句没看懂 第二句是"我说过让你把钥匙一直带在身上了" A项中"WON`T OPEN"是表示物体性状的 就是说是门本身的质量问题的话 就选A 而题意很明确 所以选B
A 用"THAT"代指上文中提到的在凡高活着时卖出的那副画 "ONE"只能用于泛指
A 题意"她的脚后跟使不上劲,所以她踮着脚走" strength主要指人的力气 体力 而pressure侧重外界施加的压力
A 猜的 work out 是计算出went out 是出去
A 从句结构完整 可以判断出是同位语从句 在同位语从句中必须用"THAT" 且"THAT"不能省略
A so that 是"为了..."引导目的状语从句
B exchange..to是把..变为..
A 猜的 A not..until直到...才 意思是"直到你写完作业才能出去"
A 根据两个词的意思排除 不好意思啊 呵呵 我没说是正确答案啊 你有答案对吗? 那你告诉我那些题错了啊
第1个回答  2009-04-03
1.A asked for“已经寻求过帮助了”,而B是正在寻求,时态不符合。妈妈的话意为:你已经寻求过帮助了,我当时告诉你钥匙要随身携带
2.A that特指那幅卖出的画
3.A A是力量力气,B是指施加的压力
4.A work out有实施,进行,得出的意思,went out是出去
5.A 后面i was criticized by my hostess是具体解释说明 the scene,所以是同位语从句,that不做成分不可省略
6.D so that意为因此,D意为如果,选D翻译为“如果我们要提出新想法,我们就必须突破瓶颈。如果解释成目的状语从句,后面就不会用are to结构了,这是“即将发生某事”的结构,而非目的
7.C transfer to 是把注意力转移到----上,exchange与for搭配
8.A 因为前面用的是is,是一般现在时,所以后面用一般现在是的被动语态
9.A not until固定搭配,直到---才
10.A come into existence固定搭配,开始出现。appearance意为出现,外形。但没有come into appearance这种用法



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