
Section D
Tolerate No Discrimination and Encourage Diversity
No Discrimination

a)Management System

Does your company have a clear written policy in your native language in defining it tolerance of different race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation , union membership and political affiliation.

Is the policy disseminate and understood by all employee?

Does the management in your company review regular to prevent any form of discrimination?

If the answer is yes, please state the frequency


Does your company or it hiring agents based hiring or compensation decision on any of the following characteristics:

0 Race
0 Caste
0 National origin
0 Religion
0 Disability
0 Gender
0 Sexual Orientation
0 Union membership
0 Political affiliation
0 Others, please specify
0 No

Please tick accordingly.

Do the wages and compensation applies to all employees irregardless of race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation , union membership and political affiliation.

Are there any restriction on employment due to physical disability or women pregnancy ?

If yes, please state the reason for the restriction

c) Training

Does the company provide any training to the employees?

Does your company have a written policy, provided to workers, stating that eligibility of training is not subject to Race, Caste, National origin, Religion, Disability, Gender, Sexual orientation , Union membership and Political affiliation.

Does your company conduct training to employee on the nature of discrimination and those thing that are not allowed?

Tolerate No Discrimination and Encourage Diversity不容歧视和鼓励多样性
No Discrimination没有歧视

a)Management System 管理系统

Does your company have a clear written policy in your native language in defining it tolerance of different race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation , union membership and political affiliation.
贵公司是否有明确的用母语书写的书面政策 ,确定可容忍不同的种族,阶级,民族血统,宗教,残疾,性别,性取向,工会会员和政治联系?

Is the policy disseminate and understood by all employee? 该政策是否向全体员工宣传和员工是否明白?

Does the management in your company review regular to prevent any form of discrimination?

If the answer is yes, please state the frequency如果答案是肯定的,请注明频率.

b)Employment 就业

Does your company or it hiring agents based hiring or compensation decision on any of the following characteristics:

0 Race 0 种族
0 Caste 0 阶级
0 National origin 0民族血统
0 Religion 0宗教
0 Disability 0残疾
0 Gender 0性别
0 Sexual Orientation 0性取向
0 Union membership 0联盟成员
0 Political affiliation 0政治派别
0 Others, please specify 0其他,请注明
0 No 0否

Please tick accordingly.请在选择的地方打勾。

Do the wages and compensation applies to all employees irregardless of race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation , union membership and political affiliation.工资和补偿是否适用于所有雇员,不论种族,种姓,民族血统,宗教,残疾,性别,性取向,工会会员和政治联系。

Are there any restriction on employment due to physical disability or women pregnancy ?

If yes, please state the reason for the restriction

c) Training 培训

Does the company provide any training to the employees?

Does your company have a written policy, provided to workers, stating that eligibility of training is not subject to Race, Caste, National origin, Religion, Disability, Gender, Sexual orientation , Union membership and Political affiliation.

Does your company conduct training to employee on the nature of discrimination and those thing that are not allowed?贵公司对员工进行的培训是否有歧视和非法性质?
第1个回答  2009-03-17

Tolerate No Discrimination and Encourage Diversity不容歧视和鼓励多样性
No Discrimination没有歧视

a)Management System a )管理系统

Does your company have a clear written policy in your native language in defining it tolerance of different race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation , union membership and political affiliation.贵公司是否有明确的书面政策在你的母语在确定它容忍不同的种族,种姓,民族血统,宗教,残疾,性别,性取向,工会会员和政治联系。

Is the policy disseminate and understood by all employee?是政策宣传和理解的全体员工?

Does the management in your company review regular to prevent any form of discrimination?请问贵公司管理的经常性审查,以防止任何形式的歧视?

If the answer is yes, please state the frequency如果答案是肯定的,请国家频率

b)Employment b )就业

Does your company or it hiring agents based hiring or compensation decision on any of the following characteristics:贵公司或其雇用人员的雇用或赔偿决定的任何以下特点:

0 Race 0大赛
0 Caste 0种姓
0 National origin 0民族血统
0 Religion 0宗教
0 Disability 0残疾
0 Gender 0性别
0 Sexual Orientation 0性取向
0 Union membership 0联盟成员
0 Political affiliation 0政治派别
0 Others, please specify 0其他,请注明
0 No 0否

Please tick accordingly.请选择相应的。

Do the wages and compensation applies to all employees irregardless of race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation , union membership and political affiliation.这样的工资和补偿适用于所有雇员,不论种族,种姓,民族血统,宗教,残疾,性别,性取向,工会会员和政治联系。

Are there any restriction on employment due to physical disability or women pregnancy ?是否有任何限制雇用由于身体残疾,或妇女怀孕?

If yes, please state the reason for the restriction如果有,请说明理由的限制

c) Training c )培训

Does the company provide any training to the employees?这家公司提供任何培训的员工?

Does your company have a written policy, provided to workers, stating that eligibility of training is not subject to Race, Caste, National origin, Religion, Disability, Gender, Sexual orientation , Union membership and Political affiliation.贵公司是否有书面的政策,提供给工人,指出资格培训是不受种族,种姓,民族血统,宗教,残疾,性别,性取向,工会成员和政治联系。

Does your company conduct training to employee on the nature of discrimination and those thing that are not allowed?贵公司的员工进行培训的性质的歧视和那些事情不允许?



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