
10.阅读下列句子 ,找出错误的地方.

1.zhang qiang get the fruits out from the bag
2.i'm thinking about taking some apple home
3.he wants to know how long it will take to arrive at school
4.in a big city
5.in an area that has lakes or rivers
6.i have lots of letters to write
7.the total number of students in our school is above 5000.
8.i have 3 pens,one for you,one for him,the other one for tom
9.please give us 3 more cups of coffee
10.read the sentence below,and find the mistake
11.not both of the is correct
第1个回答  2008-01-30
chiang took fruits out of his schoolbag.
i am going to bring some apple back home.
he want to know how long does it take to go to school.
at mega city.
at area with river
i have some letters to write.
there are more then 5000 studnets in our school.
i have a pen,one for you, one for him, the other one for tom.
give us 3 cups of coffe please.
read the following sentences, pick out the mistakes
not both right
第2个回答  2008-01-30
zhang qiang takes the fruits out of his bag
i want to bring some apples home
he want to know how long it will take to go to school
in the major city
in the area where lies a river or lake
i got a lot of letters to write
our school has 5000 students in total
i have a pen. one for you, one for him the other one for tom(那你应该有3只笔啊= =)
three more coffees please
please read the sentences and find out the errors
not both of them are right
第3个回答  2008-01-30
1.Zhang Qiang gets the fruits out from the bag.
2.I'm going to take some apples home.
3.He wants to know how long it will take to arrive at school.
4.in a big city
5.in the areas that have lakes or rivers
6.I have a lot of letters to write.
7.the total number of students in our school is above five thousand.
8.I have three pens,one for you,one for him,the other one for Tom.
9.We need three more cups of coffee,please.
10.Read the sentences below,and find out the mistakes.
11.Both are not all correct.
第4个回答  2008-01-30
1.zhangqiang put the fruits out of a bag.
2.I want to get some apples home.
3.he want to know how lang to get to the school
4.in a big city
5.at an area where there are rivers and lakes
6.I have many letters to white
7.The total number of students of our school is more than 5000.
8.I have three pens,one for you,one for him,and another for Tom.
9.Please give us another three cups of coffee.
10.Read these sentenses,find out the wrong places.
11.Not both are right.
第5个回答  2008-01-30
-Zhang Qiang took out the fruit from his bookbag.
-I'm planning to get some apples home
-He wants to know the total amount of time he spend on arriving school
-In a huge city
-In an area of lakes or rivers
-Many letters are waiting for me to write
-The total amount of students in our school is five thousand
-I have three pens, one for you, one for him, and the remaining for Tom
9.请再给我们是三杯咖啡. (是加错了?)
-Please give us three more cups of coffee
10.阅读下列句子 ,找出错误的地方.
-Ream the sentence below, and determine mistakes
-It is not true that both are correct
-Neither one is correct



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