
摘 要


Since 2008, by the influence of the international financial crisis, many enterprises for capital chain rupture and collapse, small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult problem in our country has attracted extensive attention of the whole society. Therefore, joint stock commercial Banks to strengthen innovation mode through to support small and medium enterprise development exist its necessity and feasibility.
And innovation is the development of economic growth and an important source. With China's accession to the WTO and financial reform, financial innovation has become China's joint-stock commercial bank seek survival and development of the inevitable choice.

This paper discusses the joint-stock commercial bank financial innovation theory and small and medium-sized enterprise concept and characteristic, through the analysis of the joint stock commercial Banks and support small and medium-sized enterprise development present situation and the problems they faced, and from two aspects discusses the internal and external financing for small businesses center of the main reason. Combined with financial innovation theory, small and medium-sized enterprises based on the characteristics of the, of the commercial Banks through the principle of innovation, management concept, management system, business innovation analysis, joint stock commercial Banks that innovation mode is to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in an effective way.
Keywords: joint stock commercial Banks, and small and medium-sized enterprise, innovation mode.



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