care about care for有什么区别


1、Care for\x0d\x0a(1)like;=be fond of 喜爱 =be willing to do sth=wish to do sth= like to do sth(常用于否定句及疑问句,尤其与would连用更常见)\x0d\x0a1)She doesn't care for that colour.她不喜欢那种颜色.\x0d\x0a2)She did not care for him.她不喜欢他.\x0d\x0a(2)take care of;look after 照顾\x0d\x0a(1)As an orphan,he is cared for by the local authorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾.\x0d\x0a(2)He spent years caring for his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲.\x0d\x0a(3)I do care for what my teacher says.我的确尊重老师说的话.\x0d\x0a(4)Would you care for a drink?\x0d\x0a(5)Would you care to go for a walk?\x0d\x0a2、care about v.担心 接近be worried,be concerned or interested 指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念\x0d\x0a例句:\x0d\x0aDo not you care about anybody?你难道谁也不关心吗?\x0d\x0aI really care about my work.我真的关心我的工作.\x0d\x0aDon't you care about anybody?你难道谁也不关心吗?\x0d\x0aDon’t you care about our country’s future?\x0d\x0aAll she cares about is her social life.\x0d\x0aI don’t think he cares (about) what happens to her children.\x0d\x0aHe failed the exam but he didn’t seem to care.
第1个回答  2016-03-29
care about,care for和care to的区别 about和care for在表示“关心,担心,”等意思的时候,用法是一样的,基本可以通用.如,Don't care about/for me.别担心我.You needn't care for/about his safety.你不必为他的安全担心.2.在表示“介意,计较”等意思的时候,要用care about,后面一般接表示事物的词.如,He doesn't care about his clothes.他不讲究衣着.I don't much care about going.我不太想去.3.在表示“关怀,照顾”/“愿意...”等意思的时候,要用care for.如,We must care for the younger generation.我们必须关怀年青的一代.Would you care for a walk after supper?晚饭后去散散步好吗?4.在表示“喜欢,愿意,想望”等意思的时候,要用care to do .即care后面接动词不定式.如,I don't care to go there.我不愿到那里去.
第2个回答  2016-03-29
care about和care for在许多情况下意义是重叠的,都有“喜欢、关心的意思.但作“喜欢、关心”讲,care for比care about要普通.
如:(1) They do not care very greatly for(喜欢,或对……有兴趣)art;
(2) She cares only for(关心)herself and her
(3)The boss only cares about money.(老板只想赚钱.)
care about更强调“考虑、关心.”经常用于否定意义.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2016-03-29
care for喜欢 愿意 照料
care about 关心 在乎 担忧



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