
Long ago, men knew of a few things that could cause a kind of sleep, but these anesthetics (麻醉药) were weak. They could not be given in too large amounts because they often caused death. If only a little was given, the sick men would still feel pain. So these old anesthetics were almost useless. Operations without anesthetics usually had to be done and the person operated on could feel all the pain.
Any operation in those old days was very difficult. The doctor had to work while the sick man’s body moved nearly all the time. How could a doctor do any operation carefully and quickly in conditions like these? When we also remember that the open cuts were not kept clean, and that even the doctors’ clothes were usually very dirty, we are not surprised to hear of a large number of deaths.
Today, however, we need not worry about feeling pain s during an operation. There are all kinds of anesthetics which can easily cause the sick man to fall into a kind of sleep, and when he wakes, the operation is finished. A man can, in some operations, talk about his life’s experiences to a friend while the doctors are cutting open the lower part of his body. One doctor even managed to cut off his own leg.

很久以前,人类就发现了可以引起人进入睡眠状态的一些物质,但这些麻醉剂(麻醉药)的作用是微弱的。 因为它们经常导致死亡,所以不可以大剂量的使用。 但如果仅给一点点剂量的话,病人仍会感觉到疼痛。 如此,这些旧式麻醉剂是几乎无用的。即使没有麻醉剂,手术也必须完成,因此病人可能要感受所有疼痛的折磨。
所有手术的施行在以往那些日子里都非常困难。就算病人的身体(因为痛苦)不停地动,医生也要继续做(手术)。在这样的情况下, 医生们是怎样仔细而迅速地完成手术呢? 我们也记得这些手术切口往往是没有被消毒或处理干净的, 医生的衣裳通常还非常肮脏,所以当我们听说大量的病人死亡时并不感到惊奇。
然而,如今,我们不需要担心接受手术时会感觉痛苦了。因为现在已经有各种麻醉药可以使病人进入不同程度的麻醉状态,而且当他醒来时,手术已经完成了。 在一些手术中,病人可以一直和他朋友高谈阔论,尽管这时候医生正在剖开他离大脑较远的身体部分。甚至有医生可以(在麻醉的情况下)成功地帮自己截肢....



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