
工作职责: 1上海荷瑞会展有限公司在国家会议中心举办的水处理博览展会的现场工作协调。 2中国国际水处理工程师大会的现场调度。 3演示区的现场调节人员。 业绩: 1在展会的观展人员高峰时段,很好的协同同伴疏导了现场的人员,在展会的五天时间里,一定程度上让展会得以有序顺利进行。 2较好好的解决了参展商和观众的各种问题和需求,及时同同伴和领导处理并解决了各种突发状况。 3三天数场中国国际水处理工程师大会的协助工作圆满完成,让参会嘉宾顺利完成了大会的召开和闭幕。 4工作认真负责,每天提前到场,工作结束最后一个离场。很好的完成了展会主办方布置的任务,得到主办方的表扬和认可。

Responsibilities:In charge of coordination in Water treatment Expo exhibition at the National Convention Centre held by the Haihe Rui Exhibition Co., Ltd. 2 Dispatching in China International Water treatment Conference. 3 Adjusting in demo area. Results: 1.During peak hours In the exhibition , Counseling on-site staff very well with companions.In the show's five days, to a certain extent, making the show smooth and orderly. 2 Giving good solutions to the asks and needs of the exhibitors and visitors in a timely .With companions and leaders to deal and resolve a variety of unexpected situations. 3 Giving good assists to China International Water treatment Engineer Conference to allow the participants to attend the opening and closing. 4 serious and be responsible to work, arrived at the scene in advance everyday , and the last to leave. Completed the task of show organizers arranged , received praise and recognition from the organizers。写得比较简单易懂,凑合着使吧



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