谁能帮忙翻译一下这段新闻,翻译成英文,急! 十分感谢!!!


据悉,家住伊利诺伊州的小女孩蕾拉(Layla)因右眼患有先天性白内障,必须每天在左眼佩戴眼罩2个小时以提高视力。她的父亲杰弗·格拉布(Geof Grubb)感到普通眼罩色彩单调,缺乏活力,便决定每天给女儿画一个卡通眼罩,让有趣的卡通人物陪伴蕾拉快乐成长。据了解,截至目前,杰弗已经制作了至少105枚眼罩。这些眼罩图案从不重样,从《星球大战》、《辛普森一家》、到“苹果”公司商标等等,都是他创意的来源。他把孩子戴可爱眼罩的照片上传到Instagram上,引来超过1600名粉丝的追捧。虽然已经使用了很多卡通形象,但杰弗认为,自己的创意不会枯竭。

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported that, recently, the United States a "love Daddy" for a year and a half of his daughter made cartoon creative eye caused many users to pay attention to. Originally used to treat eye now becomes Meng da.
It is reported that Jui Rinoiyushu little girl Layla Layla) because of the right eye with congenital cataract must every day for two hours in the left eye wear eye protection to improve eyesight. Her father Jeff Grab (GEOF Grubb) are common eye colour is drab, lack of vitality, they decided to every day to the daughter painting a cartoon goggles, let the interesting cartoon character Layla happy to accompany the growth. It is understood that, as of now, Jeff has made at least 105 eye. The mask patterns are never heavy, from "Star Wars", "The Simpsons", to "apple" company trademarks and so on are the source of his creativity. He put the child wearing goggles and lovely photos to Instagram, attracted more than 1600 fans. Although many cartoon images have been used, but Jeff believes that their own ideas will not dry up.



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