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Protecting minority cultures
Zhou Xiaoting and Zhou Xiaole are two sisters of the Jinuo minority group from the Jinuo Mountain in Yunnan. Zhou Xiaoting, 18, recently graduated from a vocational school where she learned some basic computer skills. Zhou Xiaole, 16, was admitted to the same school this summer.
The sisters' family lives with dozens of households in a small mountain village, with houses typical of the Jinuo minority—an all-wooden structure with two floors.
The sisters share a computer with Internet access and an exercise machine in their second floor bedroom. They also have a TV with a satellite receiver in their living room that gives them access to more than 50 channels. Like city girls of their age, the Zhou sisters are fans of pop singers from Hong Kong, Taiwan and across the mainland.
Tuition for the vocational school is covered by the government, and the sisters only need 200-300 yuan ($29.3-43.9) a month for extra expenses. Needless to say, dropout rates due to financial problems are non-existent, the elder Zhou sister said.
The Jinuo minority group has a population of more than 20,000. Since the group has its own spoken language but no written language, students learn Mandarin Chinese at school and speak in their native tongue at home. To preserve Jinuo's language and culture, the local government recorded the spoken language and sponsored some of the group's gatherings and customs.
Most of China's ethnic minority groups are found in the western region. According to China's policies related to minority groups, children receive a free education and bilingual teaching is provided in regions where the minority group has its own written language, such as in Xinjiang and Tibet.
The Chinese Government has emphasized the importance of education by building a number of vocational schools, training bases and internship bases since 2000. From 1999 to 2007, the number of colleges and universities in the region increased from 251 to 467, and new enrollment and the number of registered students increased 2.9 times and 3.6 times, respectively.
Rural and urban areas have seen their healthcare service system develop rapidly since the implementation of the development strategy, which has led to improvements in healthcare quality. According to NDRC statistics, the number of beds in medical care facilities reached 1.08 million and medical professionals increased to 1.5 million, up 32.1 percent and 6.4 percent, respectively, from 1999.
To raise the healthcare standard in the western region, a disease prevention and control system and a medical rescue system for public health event were established alongside 16,440 township health centers and 180,000 village clinics. The efforts have shown successful results—the infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate have decreased remarkably and about 85 percent of the rural population is now covered by the new rural cooperative medical system.

Protecting minority cultures 保护少数民族文化
Zhou Xiaoting and Zhou Xiaole are two sisters of the Jinuo minority group from the Jinuo Mountain in Yunnan. 周晓婷和周晓乐是在云南基诺山的基诺族的两姐妹。Zhou Xiaoting, 18, recently graduated from a vocational school where she learned some basic computer skills.周晓婷,18岁,最近从一个职业学校毕业,从这个职业学校中,她学习了一些基本的电脑技术。 Zhou Xiaole, 16, was admitted to the same school this summer.周晓乐,16岁,今年夏天也会入读这个学校
The sisters' family lives with dozens of households in a small mountain village, with houses typical of the Jinuo minority—an all-wooden structure with two floors.这对姐妹的家庭是在这个小山村的数十家庭中的一户,他们的家就是一个典型的基诺少数民族的房子,一所全木制的房子,仅仅有两个窗户。

The sisters share a computer with Internet access and an exercise machine in their second floor bedroom. They also have a TV with a satellite receiver in their living room that gives them access to more than 50 channels. Like city girls of their age, the Zhou sisters are fans of pop singers from Hong Kong, Taiwan and across the mainland它们在第二层的卧室里共享同一部电脑和同一部健身机器。她们还有一部电视,因为带了卫星接收器,可以接收50个频道。就像与她们同龄的城市女孩一样,这对姓周的姐妹也是香港、台湾和大陆歌星的歌迷。

Tuition for the vocational school is covered by the government, and the sisters only need 200-300 yuan ($29.3-43.9) a month for extra expenses. Needless to say, dropout rates due to financial problems are non-existent, the elder Zhou sister said.读这所学校的学费是政府全部资助的,她们只需另外每个月为其他费用支付200到300元(即29.3美元到43.9美元左右),因此,因为资金问题而存在辍学率是不可能的,周晓婷说。

The Jinuo minority group has a population of more than 20,000. Since the group has its own spoken language but no written language, students learn Mandarin Chinese at school and speak in their native tongue at home. To preserve Jinuo's language and culture, the local government recorded the spoken language and sponsored some of the group's gatherings and customs.基诺族有大约20000人。因为这个族有它自己的口头语言但没有文字,学生们在学校学习普通话,但在家里讲他们自己的语言。为了保存基诺族的语言和文化,当地政府记录了他们的口头语言并赞助本地少数民族的聚会和风俗

Most of China's ethnic minority groups are found in the western region. According to China's policies related to minority groups, children receive a free education and bilingual teaching is provided in regions where the minority group has its own written language, such as in Xinjiang and Tibet. 许多的中国少数民族都是在西部。根据中国有关少数民族的政策,少数民族的孩子可以接受免费教育并且在有自己文字的少数民族地区采取双语教学,例如新疆和西藏。

The Chinese Government has emphasized the importance of education by building a number of vocational schools, training bases and internship bases since 2000. From 1999 to 2007, the number of colleges and universities in the region increased from 251 to 467, and new enrollment and the number of registered students increased 2.9 times and 3.6 times, respectively.中国政府一贯强调教育的重要性,并且从2000年起因此建立了众多的职业学校和训练基地以及实习基地。从1999年到2007年,该地区的学院和大学的数量从251间增加到467间,招生规模和注册人数分别增加了2.9倍和3.6倍。

Rural and urban areas have seen their healthcare service system develop rapidly since the implementation of the development strategy, which has led to improvements in healthcare quality. According to NDRC statistics, the number of beds in medical care facilities reached 1.08 million and medical professionals increased to 1.5 million, up 32.1 percent and 6.4 percent, respectively, from 1999.农村和城市地区自从执行了发展战略以来,医疗系统已经急速发展,因此医疗质量已经有了很大的改善。根据国家发展和改革委员会的数据,自1999年发展以来,医疗系统机构的床位已经达到1080万个,医疗专业人员已经增加到1500万,分别增加了32.1%和6.4%。

To raise the healthcare standard in the western region, a disease prevention and control system and a medical rescue system for public health event were established alongside 16,440 township health centers and 180,000 village clinics. The efforts have shown successful results—the infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate have decreased remarkably and about 85 percent of the rural population is now covered by the new rural cooperative medical system.为了提高西部地区医疗水平,已经在16440个城镇卫生院和180000个乡村诊所建立了一个为大众健康而设的疾病预防和控制系统以及医疗救助系统。这些努力已经见到了预期的效果----婴儿死亡率和产妇死亡率已经大幅下降并且乡村人口现在已经被新型乡村合作医疗系统覆盖。
第1个回答  2011-04-30
第2个回答  2011-04-30


姐妹们的家庭生活与数十户人家的小山村,典型的Jinuo房屋结构minority-an all-wooden两层楼。


职业学校的学费全部由政府,三姐妹们只需要200 - 300元($ 29.3-43.9),一个月的额外支出。不用说,辍学率因经济问题是不存在的,年长的周姐姐说。



中国政府已经强调了教育的重要性,通过建设许多职业学校、培训基地和实习基地自2000年。从1999年到2007年,学院和大学的数量在该地区,增加,新的251 467招生和注册的学生的数量增加2.9和3.6倍,分别。


第3个回答  2011-04-30



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