

With the development of enterprises and the addition of new employees, it is inevitable that the culture of enterprises will be transformed. This sort of change can be called," natural change". After a period of time, the corporations' cultures should also be appropriate to the changes to support the organizations' growth. This kind of change can be called "manageable change.". Beginning of the establishment of a company and after a period of time, the company's culture is decided by the company's founder and the a few employees who are the earliest working there. In this period of time, everyone understands and is willing to accept this sort of culture. It is easy for entrepreneurs to influence and maintain this kind of cultural, as in daily business activities they can directly contact with each employee. However, when a large number of employees enter the company, the direct connection opportunities become very less between those underlying employees and the senior staff. Therefore, the culture implemented among employees at the bottom of the company is quite different from the one advocated by the company founders and early members. These different views originated from the ways people want to interpret their own cultures. The initial culture is being increasingly misinterpreted because the lack of good management of corporate culture. This process may not be aware of, but in an evolutionary way. Corporate culture is an indirect support for the enterprises' management. Though its role is invisible, its effect cannot be replaced in a long-term, which has already been proved by successful companies and their corporate culture. Every change in organization operating can lead to a change in corporate culture. If an organization wants to be successful in its growth process, cultural management should be paid attention to in each stage, in order to make the values, beliefs and norms of behavior support its changes.



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