
Some of their first clients paid as high as $15,000 for the initial freezing, and the exorbitant rate of $1,000 per year as a storage charge. The Zeritsky Brothers owned and managed one of the largest quick-freezing plants in the world, and it was their claim that converting the freezing equipment and storage facilities to accommodate humans was extremely expensive, hence the high rates.
When the early clients who paid these rates were defrosted years later, and found other clients receiving the same services for as little as $3,000, they threatened a row and the Zeritskys made substantial refunds. By that time they could easily afford it, and since any publicity about their enterprise was unwelcome to them, all refunds were made without a whimper. $3,000 became the standard rate, with $100 per year the storage charge, and no charge for defrosting.
The Zeritskys were businessmen, first and last. Anyone who had the fee could put himself away for whatever period of time he wished, and no questions asked, The ironclad rule was that full payment had to be made in advance.
Criminals were the first to apply for quick-freezing, and formed the mainstay of the Zeritskys' business through the years. What more easy than to rob, hide the loot (except for that all-important advance payment), present yourself to the Zeritskys and remain in their admirable chambers for five or ten years, emerge to find the hue and cry long since died down and the crime forgotten, recover your haul and live out your life in luxury?
Due to the shady character of most of their patrons, the Zeritskys kept all records by a system of numbers. Name never appeared on the books, and anonymity was guaranteed.
Law enforcement agents, looking for fugitives from justice, found no way to break down this system, nor any law which they could interpret as making it illegal to quick-freeze. Perhaps the truth is that they did not search too diligently for a law that could be made to apply. As long as the Zeritskys kept things quiet and did not advertise or attract public attention, they could safely continue their bizarre business.
City officials of Los Angeles, and particularly members of the police force, enjoyed a period of unparalleled prosperity. Lawyers and other experts who thought they were on the track of legal means by which to liquidate the Zeritsky empire found themselves suddenly able to buy a ranch or a yacht or both, and retire forever from the arduous task of earning a living.

他们的一些客户先支付高达000美元的初始冻结 而过高的速度每年1,000美元作为储存电荷. 该zeritsky兄弟拥有和管理的一个最大的速冻食品厂,在世界上 而且,他们声称将冻结装置和储存设施,以满足人类是极其昂贵的, 因此,高利率. 当客户提前缴纳这些费率是解冻年后的今天, 并发现了其它客户得到相同的服务,只要$ 3000 , 他们威胁说,连续的zeritskys长足退款. 到时候他们可以轻松的负担,因为任何宣传他们的企业是不受欢迎的人, 所有退款作了一大讽刺. 3,000成了标准的速度增长, 100元的储藏费用,并没有收取除霜. 该zeritskys是商人,第一次和最后一次. 任何人付费可以把自己以外的任何时期,他希望, 不问,铁的规则就是全额付款都必须提前. 罪犯是首次申请速冻食品,并初步形成了主体的zeritskys的企业,通过多年. 什么更容易比打劫,藏匿赃物(例外,所有重要的预付款) , 目前自己的zeritskys并留在他们的敬佩商会为五年或十年, emerge找到呼救早已偃旗息鼓罪和遗忘 恢复您毒品及活出人生的奢侈? 由于该阴凉性格大部分顾客, zeritskys保存所有记录的系统号码. 名字没有出现在书上,匿名的保证. 执法人员,追缉逃犯,发现没有办法打破这个体系, 也没有任何法律可以解释为使非法的速冻. 也许真相是,他们没有搜查过劳作了法律可以适用. 只要zeritskys存放东西很安静,没有广告或吸引公众的注意力, 他们可以安全地继续他们古怪的业务. 纽约市官员对洛杉矶特别警察部队成员,享受一段前所未有的繁荣. 律师和其他专家,这些人以为是07月法律途径以清算zeritsky 帝国发现自己突然能买一个牧场或一艘游艇,或者两者 退休了,永远的艰巨任务谋生.
第1个回答  2007-06-01
一些他们的第一位客户为开始的凝固支付高达 $15,000 ,而且作为储藏的每年 $1,000 的过度比率要价。 那 Zeritsky 兄弟拥有了而且处理了世界上最大的快-凝固植物之一,而且它是他们的宣称转换冰冻的设备和储藏设备适应人类极端地贵, 高的比率由此而来。
当数年之后支付了这些比率的早期的客户被除霜, 而且发现接受的其他的客户的时候那相同的服务因为当做作为 $3,000 的一点点, 他们威胁排,而且 Zeritskys 制造了可观的偿还。 在那时候,对他们,他们可以容易地负担它, 而且自从关于他们的企业的任何广告之后是不受欢迎的,所有的偿还没有呜咽被做。 $3,000 变成了标准的比率,藉由每年 $100 储藏费用、和没有除霜的费用。
Zeritskys 是商人, 总而言之。 任何一个有了费用的人可以把他自己关起来每个时期哪一时间,他愿,而且没有疑问问, 装甲的规则是充足的付款必须被预先做。
罪犯是第一申请快的-凝固, 而且形成 Zeritskys 的主要的依靠\' 整年的生意。 什么更容易的超过抢夺, 隐藏战利品 (除了那非常重要的进步付款以外),对 Zeritskys 呈现你自己而且五或者十年留在他们的可钦佩室, 浮现找色和哭声渴望自从死以后被下来和忘记的罪行,在奢侈中复原你的用力拖拉而且住你的生活?
由于他们的赞助人的大部分的暗个性, Zeritskys 保持了一个数字的系统所有记录。 名字从不在书上出现,而且匿名被保证。
执法代理人,找寻来自正义的逃亡者, 没有发现方法当做使急速冷冻是违法的损坏这一个系统、也不他们可以解释的任何的法律。 也许事实是他们不太勤勉地寻找可能被做应用的法律。只要 Zeritskys 保持了事物静止而且没有广告或者吸引公众的注意,他们可以安全地继续他们的奇异生意。
城市洛杉矶的官员, 和特别地警力的成员,享受一个无比繁荣的时期。
律师和其他认为他们在合法方法的轨道上的专家被哪一个偿付被发现他们自己突然能够从赚生活的费力工作永远地买一个大农场或一条游艇或两者、和隐居的 Zeritsky 帝国。本回答被网友采纳



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