
My Day
Today is Saturday.I can stay in bed late.Usually I get up at eight.Then I wash the clothes,take a shower and brush my teeth.At 8:30,I have breakfast.I eat bread and eggs,drink a cup of milk,they are healthy food.
After that,I go to the park and do sports.I play the badminton with my brother.He can play it well.I usually lose,but I also happy.After that 1 hour,I go back home and watch TV.
I have lunch at half past eleven,and I do my homework at Saturday afternoon.Sometimes I can draw picture at four in the afternoon.
In the evening,I always ride a bike after supper.That's very cool.I can see:the trees are tall,the sky is dark,the lights are bright,the birds were sleepd.On the street,the cars are coming and going in great number.It likes a beautiful picture.
Finally,I go to bed at a quarter to ten

My Day
Today was Saturday.I stayed in bed late. I got up at eight.Then I washed the clothes,taked a shower and brushed my teeth.At 8:30,I had breakfast.I ate bread and eggs,drank a cup of milk,they were healthy food.
After that,I went to the park and did sports.I played the badminton with my brother.He played it well.I lose,but I also happy.After that 1 hour,I went back home and watched TV.
I had lunch at half past eleven,and I did my homework at Saturday afternoon. I drawed picture at four in the afternoon.
In the evening,I rided a bike after supper.That's very cool.I saw:the trees were tall,the sky was dark,the lights were bright,the birds were sleepd.On the street,the cars were come and go in great number.It liked a beautiful picture.
Finally,I went to bed at a quarter to ten
第1个回答  2011-05-22
my happy day

today is my first day of holiday, i'm so excited! i wake up early and went to the park to walk the dog. there wasn't much people at that time. i could breathe fresh air and feel the sun, today is a good weather! when i returned home and had my breakfast, i decided to sit down and read my favorite book. i enjoy reading books in my study room quietly by myself, there will be no disturbance. when i entered my book world, i can feel an overwhelming energy and knowledges filling in my soul, this is the point! in fact, having a meaningful day doesn't need to do so many exciting things and special activities to reach, i can simply fulfill myself just by doing one meaningful thing, and for me, that is reading my favorite books.
when night arrives, i take off my glasses and i let myself lie down in the bath tube, it was a relief after all the hard working!

今天是我暑假的第一天,我真的很兴奋! 今天我起得很早,之后就带着我得狗去公园散步。 在那个时间真的没有很多人。我能清晰地感觉到温暖的太阳光依稀地照射在我身上,今天天气真好啊!回到家吃过早饭之后我决定安安静静地坐在自己的书房里看书。我对于看书这种事是非常之享受的,在那个时间无人可以打扰。当我进入书的世界,我能感到一股不可抗拒的能量与知识充实着我的灵魂,这,就是关键。其实对于我来说,拥有有意义的一天不一定要去做多种多样的活动来达到目的,我完全可以简简单单地读一本喜爱的书让自己充实起来。
第2个回答  2011-05-22
第3个回答  2011-05-22
Yesterday was Saturday. I got up at 6:30, then I went to the park by bike. I ran and had fun playing in the park.Then I went back home and cleanded my room. At noon, I had lunch at KFC with my parents. In the afternoon, I visited my friends. After dinner. My father and I took a walk ,and he bought a CD for me. In the evening, I listened to the CD and I went to bed at 9:00. What a busy day.
第4个回答  2011-05-23



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