
目的 为苗药透骨香的鉴定和质量标准的修订提供依据,为其进一步开发与利用奠定基础。
方法 对同一产地不同药用部位(根、茎、叶)和不同采收季节透骨香药材的水分、灰分、浸出物、挥发油含量进行测定;采用气相色谱法对挥发油中主要成分水杨酸甲酯进行含量测定。
结果 不同药用部位和不同采收季节透骨香药材的水分、灰分、浸出物、挥发油含量、水杨酸甲酯含量有差异。
结论 对同一产地同一采收季节不同药用部位(根、茎、叶)透骨香药材含水量叶最低;总灰分叶最高;醇溶性冷浸出物叶最高;挥发油含量叶最高;鲜品的挥发油中水杨酸甲酯含量叶最高。同一产地不同采收季节的透骨香药材含水量、总灰分含量、醇溶性冷浸出物夏季最高;挥发油含量秋季最高;鲜品的挥发油中水杨酸甲酯含量夏季最高。

Objective to seedling medicine the identification and incense gaultheria revise quality of providing basis, for its further development and utilization lay the foundation.
Methods the same origin different medicinal part (roots, stems, leaves) and different harvest season sweet crude gaultheria moisture, ash content, extract, naphtha content determination; By gas chromatography.the methyl salicylate volatile on the main components in the content determination.
Results different medicinal part and different harvest season sweet crude gaultheria moisture, ash content, extract, naphtha content, salicylic acid methyl ester content have differences.
Conclusion to the same origin the same harvest season different medicinal part (roots, stems, leaves) moisture leaves the lowest medicinal gaultheria incense; Total ash leaf supreme; Alcohol-soluble cold extract leaf supreme; The highest content of volatile oil leaves; In the XianPin volatile salicylic acid methyl ester content leaf is the highest. The same origin of different harvest season sweet medicinal material moisture content, total gaultheria ash content, alcohol-soluble cold extract summer peak; The highest content of volatile oil in autumn; The XianPin volatile summer peak of salicylic acid methyl ester content.



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