
情景 1.购物,2.应聘 3.打电话,每个约持续3分钟,用词简单点,谢谢!

A:Good morning,madam/sir.What can I do for you?
B:Yes,I'd like to buy a coat.
A:Well,which style would you like?
B:Not very fationable.
A:Ok,follow me,please……how about this one?
B:Er,I'm sorry ,but I don't like it.Do you have other suggest?
A:En……so,do you like this one?It was designed by the classical style.
B:That's good,but I don't like the red color,do you have any color with a dark base?
A:Yepp.We have black,coffee,gray and brown.
B:Well,give me a black one,please.Can I try it?
A:Absolutely you can.
B:Not too bad .How much do you want for this?
B:Can you give me a little deal ?
A:We can offer ten percent discount.
B:It's still too expensive for me.What's the lowest you're willing to go?
A:I am sorry,it is a new arrival and the material quality is the best.
B: I know what this is worth.If you don't give me a better price, I won't buy this.
A:Ok,wait for a while please,I need to ask our manager.
A:We can only accept fifteen percent discount as the lowest,if you still unsatisfied,maybe you can find another place.
B:Fifteen percent? Well, let's make the bargain.Thank you very much.
A:My pleasure.
A:Good morning,madam/sir.May I help you?
B:Yes,I'd like to inquire whether the job for a market manager in the AD is still open?
A:Yes,the job is still open,we will accept applications until sunday next week.Give me your resume and sit down please.
B:Thank you.
A:Well,we had read your resume already,can you tell me a little more about your qualification?
B:I had study at NO.22 middle school from 1997 to 2000,and after that,I entered The Beijing University,my subject is economic and trade and I get scholarship almost every year.
A:That's very well ,it seems you have a good report in school, but how about another side ,I mean ,can you tell me some of your strengths and weakness?
B: Generally speaking, I am a confident and out-going person. I can always put things in order ,besides that,I suppose I’m very patient and I will never say give up.But when someone have different characters from my own,I can't adopt it rapidly,in other words,I am a person who depend on work environment very much.It will make me feel angry that someone make noise at office.So I think I need to work hard at that.
A:Ok.In your resume,you said you have some work experience in this position.So,could you talk about it and why you left that company?
B:It's a good place and I loved my last job,especially their teamwork spirit.I left it 'cause my parents,when I grow up year by year,they become older and older.That company was too far from my home and I can't take care of my parent.So……
A:Why you chose our company?
B:Well,it is not only because of that you are one of the biggest trade company in the world,but also because of your well-constructed management system.
A:Thank you for your interest in us.Do you have any question?
B:Yes, I want to know something about salary.
A:Well,the starting salary is RMB 2000 per month,it will be raises after 3 months according to your ability.Any question?
B:When the result will be know?
A:You'll hear from us 3 days later.
B:Thank you very much.Bye-bye
A:Good bye.
B:Hello.Who's that speaking,please?
A:Good morning sir,I'd like to speak to your son.
B:I'm sorry but he isn't at home.
A:Really?That's very pity ,and may I know when he'll be back?
B:Yes,I think he will be back for lunch .……the doorbell is ringing,maybe he was come back already.I'll go and see and wait for a moment please.
C:Hello!Who is it?
A:Hey,Is Tony there ?I'm Tom.
C:Yes.What's up?
A:I'm so sorry to made a phone to your family,but your cellphone is power off.We get everything already and just wait for you,so,which time are you supposed to arrive?
C:Stop! Er……I don't know…I mean why I should to do it?
A:What?Don't tell me that you can't remember!
C:Er…maybe you are right,I really can't remember.
A:Well.We reach an agreement last week that we have a basketball game with grade 2.We all but except you are get school already,so I'm calling to ask you,it's the only thing I wouldn't expect is that you are forget it.
C:Oh no…That's really my fault and I'm really sorry for that .I'll go to school as soon as possible.
A:OK,take care of your safe on the road.We'll be waiting for you.
C:That's good.Good bye.



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