

The current draft AML Article 6 has made a substantive amendment to identify and specify duties of supervisory authorities: State Council’s economic and trade administration department (now the Ministry of Commerce; “MOFCOM”) will supervise and administer enterprise concentration and administrative monopolies; SAIC will supervise and administer monopoly agreements and abuse of market dominant position; and the State Development and Reform Commission will supervise and administer price agreements and bid rigging. Please note that the current draft has dramatically retreated from the February 2002 draft, which proposed the establishment of a unified competent anti-monopoly authority directly under the State Council.
The current AML draft reflects a compromise reached by different authorities. In China, the Fair Trade Bureau of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce is the body currently responsible for enforcing existing laws and regulations that deal with the prevention of monopolistic behavior and unfair trade practices. The other two government departments: MOFTEC and State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC) are dealing with enterprises combination issues. MOFTEC is responsible for combination issues related to overseas funded enterprises; SETC is in charge of those concerning state-owned enterprises. The supervision over merger exercised by these two departments mainly concerns administration. The former aims to administer foreign investment, while the latter is to avoid the loss of state assets. Neither of them controls merger in the sense of AML. (Note that MOFTEC and SETC have recently been combined into a new Ministry of Commerce “MOFCOM”. Applicable laws and regulations, however, still refer to MOFTEC or SETC respectively)
For monopolization, the draft sets forth the criteria under which an enterprise may be assumed to possess dominant market power. Article 16 provides that if one enterprise controls more than 50% market share, if two enterprises control more than two-thirds of the market, and if three enterprises own more than three-fourths of the markets, they will be assumed to hold a dominant market position and have the power to monopolize. Such an enterprise may not abuse its dominant market power to make excessively high profits, set predatory prices, differentiate purchases, refuse or force other operators to deal with it or conduct other unreasonable practices to squeeze our competitors.
The AML provides in Chapter 4 that certain types of combinations with potential anti-competitive effect (“large-Scale Combinations”) require the approval from MOFCOM. A “combination” is deemed to occur when (a) two or more enterprises merge, whether or not a third enterprise results; (b) an enterprise gains control of another through a share acquisition; or (c) two or more enterprises form a relationship of controlling and controlled enterprise through agreements or a joint venture.

目前的草案反洗钱和第6条已作出了实质性的修订,以确定和指定的职责,监管当局:国务院的经济和贸易管理处(现商业部; “商务部” )将监督和管理企业的浓度和行政性垄断;上汽集团将监督和管理垄断协议和滥用市场支配地位,以及国家发展和改革委员会将监督和管理价格的协议和操纵投标。请注意,目前的草案已大幅撤退,从2002年2月草案,其中提出建立一个统一的主管反垄断事务管理局直接隶属于国务院。
目前的反洗钱草案反映了一个妥协所达成的不同机构。在中国,公平贸易局,国家工商行政管理局和商业机构,是目前负责执行现有的有关法律和法规的处理与防止垄断行为和不公平贸易做法。其他两个政府部门:外经贸部和国家经贸委(国家经贸委)是处理与企业的结合问题。外经贸部负责相结合的相关问题向海外中资企业;经贸委是在负责那些关于国有独资企业。监督所行使的合并,这两个部门主要是政府当局的关注。前者的目的是管理外商投资,而后者则是要避免国有资产流失。既不是他们控制的合并在意识的AML 。 (请注意,外经贸部和国家经贸委最近已合并成一个新的商业部“商务部” 。适用的法律和法规,但是,仍有指外经贸部或国家经贸委分别)
为垄断,草案提出的准则下,一个企业可以假定,拥有主导市场力量。第16条规定,如果一个企业控制50 %以上的市场份额,如果两个企业的控制三分之二以上的市场份额,如果3家企业拥有超过四分之三的市场,他们将承担举行的主导市场地位和有权力的垄断。这样的企业不得滥用其市场支配地位的权力,使过高的利润,掠夺性的价格订定,区分购买,拒绝或其他经营者的力量来处理它,或进行其他不合理的做法,以挤压,我们的竞争对手。
反洗钱规定,在第4章,某些类型的组合,与潜在的反竞争的效果( “大型组合” ) ,要求从商务部的批准。 “组合”被认为是发生时, (一)两个或两个以上的企业合并,是否或不是一个三分之一的企业的结果; (二)企业收益的控制另一个通过一个共享的收购;或( c )两个或两个以上的企业,形成的关系,控制和控制企业通过协议或合资企业。
第1个回答  2008-09-14
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第2个回答  2008-09-14



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