

There so many people to whom I am thankful while normally I keep the word thanks in my heart instead of speak out, ie. my family, teachers, friends etc. But something happened recently means a lot to me, that I feel urged to express my gratitude to you.
The other you lied to me over the phone---I didn't realize it is a lie. The second day you called, so regretful. You said that as you were shopping when you received my call the day before, and carelessly thought me as somebody else, therefore you made the lie, for which, you apologize.
I was supprised at the call, at the same time, very happy. Because you called especially to apologize for a lie that doesn't mean much. This means not only respect, but also means you have me as a true friend to you. To me, nothing could be more satisfactory than that. Although this thanks letter might be silly, but each words here is from the bottom of my heart. I am happy to have a friend like you. I really want to express my thanks to you face to face, but I feel too embarassed to do that. I could only express through letters.
Really, really, thank you!
第1个回答  2013-10-24
There are many people who I am thankful to,such as my families,my teachers, my friends and so on, and I put all the thankness deep in my heart. But I really want to show my thankness to you as one thing happened recently.
I lied to you that day,though I didn't know that may become a lie.The next day, I got your phone call,which was full of regret. you apologized to me that you had made a mistake that you regard my phone number as someone else's and lied to me as you were muddleheaded because of shopping that day before.
第2个回答  2013-10-24
I didn't know you lied to me that day over the phone. On the other hand, in fact, I am very glad to receive your call on the other day saying that you would like to apologize to me, and you said you lied to me because you were doing hardly in shopping around and mis-read the caller display as if I were another person, that why you would like to apologize to me.

I feel very glad and was touched as I know you didn't mean to lie to me, and this was just a minor thing, which you did give me a friendly apoligy. You did make me feeling how much I am being respected, and you really treat me as your real friend. As a matter of fact, having you as my friend is the greatest achievement in my life.

Although you may think of the reaon why I wrote this thank you letter is a bit superfluous in the eyes of common customs, in any event, you know now much I would like to scream out for your letting me be your friend but find it embarrassing, so I write this thank you letter instead.

Once again, thank you very much.



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