



有两种驴,一种是非常调皮的,经常在大草原上奔跑,吃的是鲜嫩的草,主人要它干活,却由于管不住它而放弃了.另一种驴是那中乖乖的驴,主人要他拖磨盘,他就乖乖的去磨,然后赚取主人给它的那点可怜的粮食.当然日子久了,那驴也感到厌倦,整天为着这个磨盘转,生活也总不能这样,咱也要进步啊.所以它向主人罢工了.聪明的主人想了一个办法,用黑布蒙住驴的眼 睛,然后拖着磨盘的时候,用鞭子用力抽驴,驴由于看不清前面的路,只知道一心的往前冲,驴想这次我肯定跑的很快,一直在前进,但却不知道在怎样它还是围着那磨盘转.日子久了,驴想我整天这样跑,为了什么呀?越想越不对,所以它又罢工了.主人在第二天蒙上驴眼睛的时候,在它的鼻子上挂了一个胡萝卜,驴这下来劲,闻到这香味,就想去吃那萝卜,但又看不见,心想我努力点跑就能吃到萝卜拉.于是可怜的驴日复一日,年复一年的为它那萝卜而努力着.



第1个回答  2006-04-16
Teacher fortunately. was the work very busy recently? I am you has taught the new two students, I call to pay cloud patterns. you possibly not to have what impression?

Fellow teachers the schoolmate everybody afternoon are good, the glory is popular very much can stand unfolds in here oneself, I say today the topic is to studies the foreign language about me the wise remark. to take an international language, study English is extremely important inevitably, says regarding a non- English environment Chinese student, achieves uses English to ponder completely indeed has the very great difficulty, but is not 可望而不可及, I thought learns a language essential to lie in one: The interest accompanies raises, when you with foreigner with English conversation you can obtain the achievement and the feeling of satisfaction 2: The formulation English learning program also is must often important, the good plan lets you deeply receive 感悟, reads, writes, said, records is studies English the master rod to be partial 3: Usually looked English movie, listens to English program, by opens includes the field of vision, deepens records discusses. the study English not to be able to reach to hopes for success, so long as strictly plans according to above these does, certainly has successes when conditions are ripe the date. to wish you to succeed!
第2个回答  2006-04-16
Teacher fortunately. was the work very busy recently? I am you has taught the new two students, I call to pay cloud patterns. you possibly not to have what impression?

Fellow teachers the schoolmate everybody afternoon are good, the glory is popular very much can stand unfolds in here oneself, I say today the topic is to studies the foreign language about me the wise remark. to take an international language, study English is extremely important inevitably, says regarding a non- English environment Chinese student, achieves uses English to ponder completely indeed has the very great difficulty, but is not 可望而不可及, I thought learns a language essential to lie in one: The interest accompanies raises, when you with foreigner with English conversation you can obtain the achievement and the feeling of satisfaction 2: The formulation English learning program also is must often important, the good plan lets you deeply receive 感悟, reads, writes, said, records is studies English the master rod to be partial 3: Usually looked English movie, listens to English program, by opens includes the field of vision, deepens records discusses. the study English not to be able to reach to hopes for success, so long as strictly plans according to above these does, certainly has successes when conditions are ripe the date. to wish you to succeed!
第3个回答  2006-04-21
All teachers recently. Work is very busy? I was taught you two new students, I told Fu Wen. You may not like what India? Teachers at all good students, is both an honour to stand here to show themselves, today I speak on the experience summed up on me to learn foreign languages. As a branch of international language, learning English is very important, for a non-English speaking environment for the students, to do all the thinking in English is indeed very difficult, but not unattainable, I think the most critical study of a language is one door : the interest paternity, When you talk with foreigners in English, you will gain success and satisfaction. 2 : development plan is also very important to learn English, you have a good plan for the perception about more time and more writing, more and more are learning English is the main pole. 3 : times to see more English films by English programs to open including vision and deepen recorded. In the deliberations and can not learn English, as long as done in strict accordance with these plans, there will be a natural date. I wish you success!本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2006-04-16
Fellow teachers the schoolmate everybody afternoon are good, the glory is popular very much can stand unfolds in here oneself, I say today the topic is to studies the foreign language about me the wise remark. to take an international language, study English is extremely important inevitably, says regarding a non- English environment Chinese student, achieves uses English to ponder completely indeed has the very great difficulty, but is not 可望而不可及, I thought learns a language essential to lie in one: The interest accompanies raises, when you with foreigner with English conversation you can obtain the achievement and the feeling of satisfaction 2: The formulation English learning program also is must often important, the good plan lets you deeply receive 感悟, reads, writes, said, records is studies English the master rod to be partial 3: Usually looked English movie, listens to English program, by opens includes the field of vision, deepens records discusses. the study English not to be able to reach to hopes for success, so long as strictly plans according to above these does, certainly has successes when conditions are ripe the date. to wish you to succeed!



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