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【环球科技综合报道】据美国Newsmax新闻网6月10日报道,编号为Pantone 448C的颜色获封“世界最丑颜色”,但“丑”并不一定是坏事。GFK数据分析显示,Pantone 448C 可有效抑制烟瘾。多国政府目前已将其用于烟草外包装。

  据House Beautiful杂志报道,澳大利亚政府于2012年委托GFK Bluemoon研究机构寻找人类认为最丑的颜色,该颜色将用于烟盒的印刷。GFK市场调查员表示,此项调查的目的正是希望通过利用最丑的颜色以降低瘾君子的购买欲望。
  调查小组共收集了16-64岁之间1000多名烟民分别对暗棕色、青柠色、白色、米黄色、深灰色等烟草包装颜色的“排斥反应”,分析数据发现,没有任何一种颜色能与Pantone 448C匹敌,因为这种颜色容易让人联想到死亡、肮葬、焦油等负面含义。

第1个回答  2017-05-06
American Newsmax reported on June 10th that the color number Pantone 448C was the ugliest color in the world, but ugly was not always a bad thing. GFK data analysis displayed that Pantone 448C can refrain smoking addiction effectively. Many governments had used it as tobacco packaging.
According to the report of House Beatiful Magazine, Australian Government had commissioned GFK Bluemoon research institution to find the ugliest color in 2012. This color will be used to print cigarette case. Market surveyers of GFK said that the purpose of this survey was to reduce selling desire by the ugliest color.
Investigation team has gathered almost 1000 smoking people's reject reations to dark brown packaging, lime packaging, white packaging, beige packaging and dark grey packaging who agedfrom 16 to 64. Data analysis shows that not any color can equal to Pantone 448C because this color is association with neagtive meaning such as death, dirty and tar.
It is reported that Australian Government's pratice that used this color in cigaratte packaging has achieved good results. British, France and Ireland has followed the way later.
第2个回答  2017-05-06

好的, 谢谢哈




额 问题较多的话 还是希望来一份你的 谢谢哈。


嗯嗯 你不要误会我了 我只是觉得你很需要这个东西 所以觉得语法没错是个最基本的尊重 没有其他的意思





[Global Technology General Report]
According to the report from AmericanNewsmax news website in 10th, June, the color numbered Pantone 448Cwas regarded as “the ugliest color in the word”, although “being ugly” is not necessarilya bad thing. As is revealed by GFK data analysis, Pantone 448C can effectivelycontrol the craving for tobacco. The governments of many countries have alreadyused it as the color of the tobacco packages.
According to the report from HouseBeautiful magazine, in 2012, the Australian government entrusted GFK Bluemoonresearch organization to find out the color that people considered as theugliest and this color would be used as the color of cigarette package. Themarket surveyor of GFK remarked that the purpose of this investigation was todecrease the purchase desires of the addicts by harnessing the ugliest color.

我已经私发给你了 在这里格式会错 很多单词连在一起了

The investigation group has accumulated the “rejection reactions” of around 1000 smokers, whose ages are from 16 to 64, to the tobacco packages in the colors dark brown, lime, white, beige and dark grey. After analysing the data, it turns out that there is no other color that can compete with Pantone 448C, which can make people associate with negative meanings such as death, dirt and tar.

It is reported that the Australian government has applied this color to the tabacco packages and it really works out. This move is thereafter mimicked by the governments of Britain, France and Ireland.


好的 真是万分感谢啦!!

第3个回答  2017-05-06

Global technology Roundup] according to the U.S. Newsmax news network reported on June 10th, number Pantone 448C color was sealed the world's ugliest color, but ugly is not necessarily a bad thing. GFK data analysis shows that Pantone 448C can effectively inhibit addiction. Multinational government has been used for tobacco packaging.According to the House Beautiful magazine reported that the Australian government in 2012 commissioned the GFK Bluemoon Research Institute to find the most ugly color, the color will be used for cigarette printing. The purpose of the survey is to reduce the desire to buy drugs by using the ugliest color, said GFK market researcher.The investigation team collected a total of more than 1000 smokers between the ages of 16-64 were dark brown, lime color, white, yellow, dark gray and tobacco packaging color "rejection", analysis of data found that no one can match the color of Pantone 448C, because the color reminiscent of the death, burial dirty tar, negative



【环球科技综合报道】据美国Newsmax新闻网6月10日报道,编号为Pantone 448C的颜色获封“世界最丑颜色”,但“丑”并不一定是坏事。GFK数据分析显示,Pantone 448C 可有效抑制烟瘾。多国政府目前已将其用于烟草外包装。


Global technology Roundup] according to the U.S. Newsmax news network reported on June 10th, number Pantone 448C color was sealed the world's ugliest color, but ugly is not necessarily a bad thing. GFK data analysis shows that Pantone 448C can effectively inhibit addiction. Multinational government has been used for tobacco packaging.


据House Beautiful杂志报道,澳大利亚政府于2012年委托GFK Bluemoon研究机构寻找人类认为最丑的颜色,该颜色将用于烟盒的印刷。GFK市场调查员表示,此项调查的目的正是希望通过利用最丑的颜色以降低瘾君子的购买欲望。


According to the House Beautiful magazine reported that the Australian government in 2012 commissioned the GFK Bluemoon Research Institute to find the most ugly color, the color will be used for cigarette printing. The purpose of the survey is to reduce the desire to buy drugs by using the ugliest color, said GFK market researcher.



调查小组共收集了16-64岁之间1000多名烟民分别对暗棕色、青柠色、白色、米黄色、深灰色等烟草包装颜色的“排斥反应”,分析数据发现,没有任何一种颜色能与Pantone 448C匹敌,因为这种颜色容易让人联想到死亡、肮葬、焦油等负面含义。


The investigation team collected a total of more than 1000 smokers between the ages of 16-64 were dark brown, lime color, white, yellow, dark gray and tobacco packaging color "rejection", analysis of data found that no one can match the color of Pantone 448C, because the color is easily reminiscent of death, an bury, tar and other negative meaning.Reported that the Australian government will apply this color in the practice of tobacco box packaging has achieved good results, which was followed by the United Kingdom, France, the Irish government to follow suit.





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