

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I'm sorry. This moment is so much bigger than me. This moment is for Dorothy Dandridge, Lena Horne, Diahann Carroll. It's for the women that stand beside me, Jada Pinkett, Angela Bassett, Vivica Fox. And it's for every nameless, faceless woman of color that now has a chance because this door tonight has been opened. Thank you. I'm so honored. I'm so honored. And I thank the Academy for choosing me to be the vessel for which His blessing might flow. Thank you.
I want to thank my manager, Vincent Cirrincione. He's been with me for twelve long years and you fought every fight and you've loved me when I've been up, but more importantly you've loved me when I've been down. You have been a manager, a friend, and the only father I've ever known. Really. And I love you very much.
I want to thank my mom who's given me the strength to fight every single day, to be who I want to be and given me the courage to dream, that this dream might be happening and possible for me. I love you, Mom, so much. Thank you. My husband, who is just a joy of my life, and India, thank you for giving me peace because only with the peace that you've brought me have I been allowed to go to places that I never even knew I could go. Thank you. I love you and India with all my heart.
I want to thank Lions Gate. Thank you. Mike Paseornek, Tom Ortenberg for making sure everybody knew about this little tiny movie. Thank you for believing in me. Our director Marc Forster, you're a genius. You're a genius. This moviemaking experience was magical for me because of you. You believed in me; you trusted me and you gently guided me to very scary places. I thank you. I want to thank Ivana Chubic. I could have never figured out who the heck this lady was without you. I love you. Thank you. I want to thank Lee Daniels, our producer. Thank you for giving me this chance, for believing that I could do it. And now tonight I have this. Thank you.
I want to thank my agents -- CAA, Josh Lieberman especially. I have to thank my agents -- Kevin Huvane, thank you. Thank you for never kicking me out and sending me somewhere else. Thank you. I, I, I, who else? I have so many people that I know I need to thank. My lawyers -- Neil Meyer, thank you. Okay, wait a minute. I got to take...seventy-four years here!! Ok. I got to take this time! I got to thank my lawyer, Neil Meyer, for making this deal. Doug Stone. I need to thank lastly and not leastly, I have to thank Spike Lee for putting me in my very first film and believing in me. Oprah Winfrey for being the best role model any girl can have. Joel Silver, thank you. And thank you to Warren Beatty. Thank you so much for being my mentors and believing in me.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

中文:哦,我的上帝。哦,我的上帝。我很抱歉。这一刻是那么多比我更大。这一刻是为阮德徽dandridge ,莱娜霍恩, diahann卡罗尔。它为妇女站在我旁边, jada平凯特,安吉拉巴塞特, vivica狐狸。它的每一个无名的,不露脸的女性色彩,现在有一个机会,因为这门今晚已经拉开。谢谢您。我很荣幸。我很荣幸。我感谢学院选择我认为该船为他祝福,可能流。谢谢您。
我要感谢我的经理,郑海泉cirrincione 。他一直与我为12年之久,你打每一个争取和您爱我,当我已经起来,但更重要的您爱我,当我已经下跌。您已被经理人,朋友,和唯一的父亲我从未众所周知的。真正地。和我爱你十分。
我要感谢狮门。谢谢您。麦克paseornek ,汤姆ortenberg为确保每个人都知道这一点微小的电影。谢谢你以为在我。我们的导演Marc福斯特,您是一位天才。您是一位天才。这个影片制作经验的神奇,我是因为你。你认为在我;你信任我和你,轻轻为指导,我非常可怕的地方。我感谢你。我要感谢的Ivana chubic 。我从来没有揣摩是谁,赫克这个夫人是没有你。我爱你。谢谢您。我要感谢李丹尼尔斯,我们的生产者。谢谢你给我这个机会,相信我可以这样做。现在我今晚有此。谢谢您。
我要感谢我的代理人-民航局,乔什特别是利伯曼。我要感谢我的代理人-凯文h uvane,谢谢你。谢谢你从来没有踢我,并给我在其他地方。谢谢您。我,我,我,还有谁呢?我有这么多的人,我知道我需要感谢。我的律师-尼尔迈耶,谢谢你。好吧,等一下。我采取...七十四年在这里!好的。我借这个时间!我要感谢我的律师,尼尔迈耶,使这次处理。道格石。我要感谢最后,而不是leastly ,我要感谢斯派克李把我的第一部电影,非常,并相信在我。欧普拉温芙蕾为最好的榜样,任何女孩可以有。约珥银,谢谢你。并感谢您华伦比提。十分感谢你被我的导师,并相信在我。





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