
11. It's easy to catch a cold sleeping in the open air on summer nights . _____ ____
A. So it is B. So it does C. So is it D . So does it
答案: A 翻译:

12. Why not ______ us to work as volunteers visiting the old people's carting house ? Good idea !
A. joins B. to join C. join D . joining
答案: C 翻译:

13. ______ Peter ______ to Japan yet ? Yes . He _____ there twice .
A. Did ; go ; has gone B. has ; gone ; has been
C. Has ; been ; has been D . Has ; gone ; went
答案: C 翻译:

14. The flowers need _____ . Mother is going to work _______ it .
A. to water ; for B. to water ; on C. watering ; for D . watering ; on
答案: D 翻译:

15. Mary had worked ______ a nurse in the hospital for four year ______ the end of last month .
A. for ; by B. as ; at C. as ; in D . as ; by
答案: D 翻译:

11. It's easy to catch a cold sleeping in the open air on summer nights . _____ ____
A. So it is B. So it does C. So is it D . So does it
答案: A 翻译: 在夏季睡在户外很容易感冒。确实是这样。
解释: 主句是It is所以强调也用It is
so it is 是表示强调,是“确实是这样”的意思
So is it 是“一样 ”的意思
12. Why not ______ us to work as volunteers visiting the old people's carting house ? Good idea !
A. joins B. to join C. join D . joining
答案: C 翻译: 为什么不加入我们去做一个自愿者到敬老院去工作呢?好主意!
解释:Why not 是省略句 实际是“why don't you join us?”
13. ______ Peter ______ to Japan yet ? Yes . He _____ there twice .
A. Did ; go ; has gone B. has ; gone ; has been
C. Has ; been ; has been D . Has ; gone ; went
答案: C 翻译: Peter去过日本吗?是的,他去过两次。
例如:I have taken the exam twice.
14. The flowers need _____ . Mother is going to work _______ it .
A. to water ; for B. to water ; on C. watering ; for D . watering ; on
答案: D 翻译: 花需要浇水了。妈妈将要去做。
解释: 花和浇水之间是被动,所以是need to be waterd=need watering
去做某事,词组work on
15. Mary had worked ______ a nurse in the hospital for four year ______ the end of last month .
A. for ; by B. as ; at C. as ; in D . as ; by
答案: D 翻译: Mary在医院当了4年的护士,直到上个月。
解释work as做什么工作,by the end of 知道什么时候为止



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