
36. There was just ______ meat left when he hurried to the supermarket .
A. a bit B. a little of C. a bit of D . little
答案: C 翻译:

37. Is the cat over there ______ or alive ?
A. dying B. dead C. died D . death
答案: B 翻译:

38. The kids are busy ______ ready _______ the Christmas party .
A. getting , for have B. to get , to C. getting , to have D . to get , for
答案: C 翻译:

39. There's _______ nothing living in the river because it has been seriously polluted .
A. almost B. hardly C. nearly D . seldom
答案: A 翻译:

40. Who's the woman in the red dress ? She is _______ mother .
A. Tom's and Lily's B. Tom and Lily's C. Tom and Lily D . of Tom and Lily
答案: B 翻译:


37,那里的猫是死的还是活的?这道题主要考查几个词的词性,alive是形容词用在is后做表语。dying:有一句话这样说I·m dying。我快要死了。所以不能选,died是die的过去式是形容词但强调动作。death是名词这个更不能选,而B项做为形容词正好强调状态,美元上有The dead president!
38:孩子们正忙于准备好圣诞节晚会。这里考查两个固定词组:be busy doing sth(忙于做某事) 和 get ready to do sth(准备好做某事)
39:河水污染太严重了几乎没有什么东西活着。上去可以把B,D排除如果用上它们那就是双重否定表肯定了。almost 和nearly有时可以通用,但下列情况不可以:只能用almost的情况:
I have almost nothing to do today.今天我几乎没什么事可做。
This word is to be found in almost any dictionary.这个词几乎在任何一本词典里都能查到。
I almost think you're right.我还不完全相信你是对的。
(3)修饰more than和too。
That's almost too much.那简直太过分了。
I'm not nearly ready.我还没有准备好。
I know pretty nearly all the secrets of her married life.她的婚姻生活的秘密我几乎全部知道。
We nearly called to see you last Sunday.我们上星期天差点来看你。
40:穿红衣服的那个妇女是谁?他是汤姆和丽丽的妈妈。这道题考查的是名词所有格A·and B·表示的是A的和B的表示两个事物,A and B·表示A和B共有的,句子中的女人是一个人,所以选B。
第1个回答  2008-11-17
36. There was just ______ meat left when he hurried to the supermarket .
A. a bit B. a little of C. a bit of D . little
答案: C 翻译: 当他匆忙赶到超市的时候,只剩下一点肉了。

37. Is the cat over there ______ or alive ?
A. dying B. dead C. died D . death
答案: B 翻译: 那儿的那只猫是活的还是死的?
解释: or前后两个词应当是相对应的同类的同词性的。alive作表语,表示“活着的”,那么可见or前面应该填的是同样作表语的“死了的”,选项A,译为“垂死的”,选项B是动词die的过去时,不能作表语,选项C是名词“死”。

38. The kids are busy ______ ready _______ the Christmas party .
A. getting , for have B. to get , to C. getting , to have D . to get , for
答案: C 翻译: 孩子们正忙着准备圣诞宴会。
解释: 首先,be busy doing sth.所以,第一个空格用getting;其次,get ready to do sth.是get ready的不定式形式,如果要用后面加for的介词短语形式,则不能忘了,介词for后面的动词一定要用ing形式,即get ready for doing sth.并且,我们更常用的是get ready to do sth.和get ready for sth.这两种形式,很少用到get ready for doing sth.

39. There's _______ nothing living in the river because it has been seriously polluted .
A. almost B. hardly C. nearly D . seldom
答案: A 翻译: 河里几乎没有东西活着,因为它已经被严重污染了。
解释: 如果选B,由于hardly翻译成“几乎不”所以句子就翻译成:“河里几乎不是没有东西活着,因为它已经被严重污染了。”显然,不符合逻辑。

40. Who's the woman in the red dress ? She is _______ mother .
A. Tom's and Lily's B. Tom and Lily's C. Tom and Lily D . of Tom and Lily
答案: B 翻译: 那个穿红裙子的女士是谁?她是汤姆和莉莉的母亲。
解释:从题意可以看出,the woman 是一个人,她是Tom和Lily两人共同的母亲,在这种情况下,通常指在and后的那个人后加's以表示是两人共拥有的,如果是Tom's and Lily's就译为“汤姆的母亲和莉莉的母亲”(是两个人)。选项C显然是中文直接翻译的,都是名词,不能成为句子,不符合英语语法。选项D,"She is of Tom and Lily mother"也完全不符合语法。本回答被提问者采纳



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