

关键词:新生代员工 特征 难点 管理优化

第1个回答  2019-08-28
Enterprise managers should be active instead of being passive as follow
--truly understand and actively integrate into the new-generation employees, and actively study the management optimization strategy of these employees;
--explore and establish an equal, open, humanized organizational culture and management mechanism suitable for the development of enterprises , create a corporate team culture and enhance the sense of belonging and cohesiveness of the new-generation employees;
--promote active participatory management, and constantly improve the employees' status of master;
--optimize recruitment strategy and personnel training, career planning,and incentives promotion mechanism, giving the new-generation employees a platform to use their ability and intelligence, thus truly improving the level and efficiency of Human resource management.
I hope that the research conclusions and suggestions of this paper can provide some reference for more enterprise managers in order to build a sustainable talent team and enhance their core competence.

Keywords: new-generation employees; characteristics; difficulties; management optimization本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2019-08-28
Enterprise managers should be proactive instead of passive, truly understand and actively integrate into the new generation of employees, and actively study the strategic path of management optimization of the new generation of employees; Explore and establish equal, open and humanized organizational culture and management mechanism suitable for the development needs of enterprises according to their posts and individuals, create enterprise team culture, and enhance the sense of belonging and cohesion of the new generation of employees; The implementation of active management, participatory management, and constantly improve the status of the new generation of owners; Optimize the recruitment strategy and talent training, career planning, incentive promotion mechanism, and give the new generation of employees a space platform to display their talents, so as to truly improve the level and efficiency of human resource management. It is hoped that the research conclusions and countermeasures and Suggestions of this paper can provide reference for more enterprise managers, help enterprises to build a talent echelon of sustainable development, and enhance the core competitiveness.



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