
This consists of the removal and clearing of all surface structures and growth from the site of the proposed structure . a bulldozer is used for small structures and trees. Larger structures must be dismantled.
This includes excavation and the placement of earth fill. Excavation follows preparation of the site ,and is performed when the existing grade must be brought down to a new elevation .excavation generally starts with the separate stripping of the organic topsoil, which is later reused for landscaping around the new structure. This also prevents contamination of the nonorganic material which may be required for fill. Excavation may be done by any of several excavators, such as shovels, draglines, clamshells, cranes and scrapers.
Efficient excavation on land requires a dry excavation area, because many soils are unstable when wet and cannot support excavation and hauling equipment. Dewatering becomes a major operation when the excavation lies below the natural water table and intercepts the groundwater flow. When this occurs, dewatering and stabilizing of the soil may be accomplished by well-point and electro osmosis.
Some materials, such as rock , cemented gravels, and hard clays, require blasting to loosen or fragment. Blast holes are drilled in the materials; explosives are then placed in the blast holes and detonated. The quantity of explosives an the blast-hole spacing are dependent upon the type and structure of the rock and depth of the blast holes.
After placement of the earth fill, it is almost always compacted to prevent subsequent settlement. Compaction is generally done with sheep’s-foot, grid, pneumatic-tired, and vibratory-type rollers, which are towed by tractors over the fill as it is being placed. Hand-held, gasoline-driven rammers are used for compaction close to structures where there is no room for rollers to operate.




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