
纳米纤化纤维素还是绿色纳米材料。NFC在纳米复合材料中和造纸都能得到很好的应用。目前在纳米复合材料中,NFC现已经被用于作为增强填料,这样来用于制备的复合材料在力学,热稳定性能以及阻隔性等都比原材料有一定的提高。而在造纸中,由于NFC表面带有负电荷,加入纸料中以后,会使纤维素和填料具有很好地分散性,而且,在NFC表面存在了大量的游离羟基,它们能结合成许多的氢键,从而提高了纸张的强度。本次实验探索了以漂白针叶木硫酸盐浆板,用硫酸进行水解,发现45摄氏度下,4h,50%浓度硫酸水解产物中有NFC。并且通过Regulus8220扫描电镜观察了具体形态。通过实验,丙烯酸树脂和NFC最优配比为8/2,增强纸张的性能更佳; 最后还对加入表面活性剂的不同量进行了探究,探究NFC对纸张作用效果受到的影响,通过实验,当表面活性剂在NFC量2%时纸张的增强效果最优,当表面活性剂加入量超过NFC量的2%时,对纸张的增强作用效果变差。

第1个回答  2018-06-01




第2个回答  2018-06-01



第3个回答  2018-06-01
第4个回答  2018-06-01
Nano-fibrillated cellulose, a nano-level cellulose. It is a nano-scale cellulose extracted from natural cellulose. Nanocrystalline particles have the characteristics of nanocellulose. And nanocellulose also has unique strength and optical properties, so its application is very broad. Nano-fiber cellulose or green nano-material. NFC can be used in nano-composites and papermaking. At present, NFC has been used as reinforcement filler in nanocomposites. The mechanical properties, thermal stability and barrier properties of the composites prepared in this way have been improved compared with the raw materials. However, in papermaking, due to the negative charge on the surface of NFC, the cellulose and filler have good dispersion when added to the paper material. Moreover, there are a large number of free hydroxyl groups on the surface of NFC, which can combine into a lot of hydrogen bonds. Thus, the strength of the paper is improved. In this experiment, it was found that there was NFC in 50% sulfuric acid hydrolysate product at 45 degrees Celsius from bleached coniferous wood Kraft pulp board and hydrolyzed with sulfuric acid. The morphology was observed by Regulus8220 scanning electron microscope. Through the experiment, the optimum ratio of acrylic resin and NFC is 8 / 2, so the performance of paper is better. Finally, the different amount of surfactant is explored, and the influence of NFC on the effect of paper is explored. When the amount of NFC is 2, the enhancement effect of the paper is the best, and when the amount of surfactant is more than 2% of NFC, the enhancement effect of the paper becomes worse.
第5个回答  2018-06-01
Nanofibrillated cellulose is a nano-grade cellulose. It is a nano-cellulose extracted from natural cellulose. The characteristics of the nanoparticles are owned by nanocellulose. Moreover, nanocellulose also has unique strength and optical properties, so its application prospects are very broad.
Nanofibrillated cellulose is also a green nanomaterial. NFC can be well applied in nanocomposites and papermaking. At present, in nano-composite materials, NFC has been used as a reinforcing filler. The mechanical properties, thermal stability, and barrier properties of the composite materials used in the preparation are higher than those of raw materials. In papermaking, since the NFC surface has a negative charge, the addition of the paper stock will result in good dispersion of the cellulose and the filler. Moreover, there are a large number of free hydroxyl groups on the NFC surface, which can be combined into many Hydrogen bonds increase the strength of the paper. This experiment explored the use of bleached softwood Kraft pulp boards that were hydrolyzed with sulfuric acid and found that NFC was present in the 50% strength sulfuric acid hydrolysate at 45 degrees Celsius for 4 hours. And the specific morphology was observed by scanning electron micrograph of Regulus8220. Through experiments, the optimal ratio of acrylic resin and NFC is 8/2, and the performance of enhanced paper is better. Finally, different amounts of surfactants were also investigated to explore the effect of NFC on the effect of paper. Through experiments, When the surfactant is 2% in the NFC content, the reinforcing effect of the paper is the best. When the amount of the surfactant added exceeds 2% of the NFC content, the reinforcing effect on the paper becomes worse.



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