
1 申请发言(apply speak)
点击申请发言按钮,如图所示 ,该用户栏就会出现话筒图标为蓝色,就可以发言 在自由会议模式下,就可以自由申请发言,但在主控模式下,需要申请得到管理员批准才能发言。
2广播视频(broadcast vedio)
点击广播视频,如图所示 用户栏的按钮就会出现蓝色按钮, 该用户就会出现视频图像。
3会议录制 (meeting record)
4发送文件(send file)
5视频轮询 (video scroll)
6本地图像(local image)

1.For a statement (apply speak) Click on the button for the floor, as shown The column will appear users microphone icon of blue, we can speak in a free session mode, applications can freely speak, but in the control mode, the administrator needs the approval of the application can speak.

2 Video Broadcasting (broadcast vedio) Click Video Broadcasting, users as shown in the column button will appear blue button, the user will appear in video images. As shown in the following figure : in a free session mode, users are free to apply for a broadcasting video; In the control model, Administrators need to apply for approval of Video Broadcasting.

3 recording session (meeting record) Click on the button recording session of the meeting, content preservation.

As shown : 4 this document (send file) Click on the Send File menu, as shown in the following appeared : require this document, the map will pop up the following frame, the choice for the reception of user identification, document this success.

Polling 5 Video (video scroll) Video polling through the revolving video switching cycle, can be displayed on each cycle followed venue video, generally in a display device on a single screen or a few polling-screen picture processing. When too much video users, it can click on the video button Polling for the cycle switch.

6 local images (local image) users to install video sources, the entry of video conferencing software, it will indicate that the local image, in the absence of broadcasting video, the user can only see their own local video images.



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