

Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi is the story of a young girl named Chihiro who is leaving everything that she knows to move with her family to a new town. On the way to their new home her Father decides to take a shortcut on a dirt road that ends and there is a tunnel, and her parents decide to go through. Scared, Chihiro follows and they find themselves in a small town with many restaurants. With nobody around, Chihiro's parents begin eating and decide to pay later. Chihiro wanders off and approaches a large building where she is told to run away before night by a mysterious young boy.
She goes to find her parents who have turned into pigs. As she runs back toward the tunnel she came through she finds water blocking her path. The young boy from the bridge named Haku finds her and helps her into the large building from before, which is a Bathhouse for the Gods of Japan. Chihiro learns she can only stay to help her parents if she finds work at the bathouse, and she must work and find a way to reverse the effects on her parents. This is a story of growing up, and finding ourselves.

第1个回答  2023-08-16
A review of "Spirited Away"
"Spirited Away" is a captivating animated film that uses beautiful imagery and a moving story to explore the relationships between humans, nature, and spirits. The film, directed by Hayao Miyazaki, follows the journey of a young girl named Chihiro who finds herself in a world of gods and spirits after wandering into a mysterious tunnel.
From the opening scene, the film transports the audience into a vibrant and dreamlike world that is both magical and mysterious. The animation is exquisite, with intricate details that bring the characters and setting to life. The color palette used in the film adds to the dreamlike quality, with bright hues that contrast against the darkness of the tunnel.
The storyline is engaging and Chihiro's journey from a girl who is initially scared and confused to a girl who grows into herself and finds strength is touching. The characters she meets along the way are vivid and unique, each with their own personality and backstory. The film explores themes such as growth, courage, and the importance of maintaining hope and positivity even in difficult situations.
The music in the film is also noteworthy, with haunting melodies that complement the visuals and add to the film's overall atmosphere. The voice acting is top-notch, with each character having a unique voice that matches their personality.
Overall, "Spirited Away" is an enchanting film that is a must-watch for fans of animation and anyone who loves a good story. The film's beautiful visuals, engaging story, and excellent voice acting make it a classic that will appeal to audiences of all ages."



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