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堕梦空间,= fell (or, falling) into a dreamy world
编者寄语,= words from the editor
关于梦的科普小知识,= common scientific knowledge about dreams
荒诞的开始,= the beginning of absurdity (or, fantasy)
梦魇,= nightmare (or, bad dream)
最荒诞却最浪漫的事,= the most incredible (or, absurd) but also the most romantic affair (or, event)
黑暗的开始,= the beginning of darkness
陌生的恐惧,= a strange fear (or, an unknown terror; a mysterious fear)
夜惊魂,= a shocking night (or, a night of terror)
夜梦,= dreamy night
现实的开始。= the beginning of reality
第1个回答  2011-12-16
Falling into a dream, the Editor message: less knowledge on the dream's science, begin fantastic, nightmare, the most absurd is the most romantic, the start of the darkness, fear of strangers, Midnight Caller, Night's Dream, become the real to begin.
第2个回答  2011-12-16
Dream space, Message Editor, little knowledge about science of dreams, fantastic start, nightmare, the most absurd is the most romantic thing, the beginning of the dark, fear of strangers, Midnight Caller, Night's Dream, the reality begins.
第3个回答  2011-12-16
Fel dream space, editor remarks, popular science knowledge about dream of small, absurdity of the start of the nightmare, the most absurd is the most romantic thing, the darkness of the start, strange fear, a night of panic, the night dream, the beginning of the reality.



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