


1.polemic [pə'lemɪk] n. 争论;辩论者
2.interpose [ɪntə'pəʊz] vt. 提出(异议等);使插入;使干涉vi. 干预;插入;调停
3.tangential [tæn'dʒenʃ(ə)l] n. 正切,切线adj. [数] 切线的,[数] 正切的;离题的,扯远的
4.gaze [geɪz] n. 凝视;注视vi. 凝视;注视
5.relinguish . 让与;放弃;交给
第一段: 1923 电影制作人DV觉得电影制作可以让读者有一个a “fresh perception of the world.”,也觉得应该把电影应用到艺术这个方面。但是目前电影在艺术方面的应用还是没有达到我们想要看到的那样powerful and pervasive 的效果。
第三段:列举了这种现象出现的原因有很多个。 但是电影制作人和艺术家双方都要妥协
For close collaboration to occur, professionals in each discipline need to recognize that films on art can be both educational and entertaining, but this will require compromise on both sides.
句中For close collaboration to occur 为不定式,作句子状语。For close collaboration 为不定式的逻辑主语。 discipline 为谓语,采用一般现在时。
to recognize 为不定式,作状语。that 为连词,引导宾语从句。意思是为了
5. The passage suggests that a filmmaker desiring to enhance viewers’ perceptions of art should do which of the following?
(A) Rely on the precise language of art history when developing scripts for films on art.
(B) Rely on dramatic narrative and music to set a film’s tone and style.
(C) Recognize that a work of art by itself can be compelling enough to hold a viewer’s attention.
(D) Depend more strongly on narration instead of camera movements to guide the viewer’s gaze.
(E) Emphasize the social and the historical contexts within which works of art have been created.
解析:定位在最后一段But a work of art needs to be explored on its own terms。
6. The author of the passage refers to Vertov in the first paragraph most probably in order to
(A) provide an example of how films can be used to influence perceptions
(B) present evidence to support the argument that films have been used successfully to influence viewers’ perceptions
(C) introduce the notion that film can influence how viewers see
(D) contrast a traditional view of the uses of film with a more modern view
(E) describe how film can change a viewer’s perception of a work of art
解析:写作用意题。In 1923 the innovative Russian filmmaker Dziga Vertov described filmmaking as a process that leads viewers toward a “fresh perception of the world.” Vertov’s description of filmmaking should apply to films on the subject of art. 再结合整个文章可以看出重点讲的是如何通过电影给观众带来不一样的视觉效果。所以C正确。
7. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
(A) An observation about an unsatisfactory situation is offered, the reasons for the situation are discussed, and then ways to change it are suggested.
(B) Two opinions regarding a controversial phenomenon are contrasted, supporting evidence for each is presented, and then the two opinions are reconciled.
(C) Criticism of a point of view is discussed, the criticism is answered, and then the criticism is applied to another point of view.
(D) A point of view is described, evidence supporting the view is provided, and then a summary is presented
(E) A strategy is presented, reasons for its past failure are discussed, and then a recommendation that will be abandoned is offered.
8. The passage is primarily concerned with
(A) discussing why film’s potential as a medium for presenting art to the general public has not been fully realized and how film might be made more effective in this regard
(B) discussing the shortcomings of films on art and the technological innovations required to increase the impact of film on visual literacy
(C) discussing the advantages and the disadvantages of using films rather than publications to present works of art to the general public
(D) presenting information to support the view that films on art must focus more on education and less on entertainment in order to increase visual literacy
(E) presenting information to support the view that films on art, because they reach a broader audience than many other kinds of media, have had greater success in promoting visual literacy
9. The author would most likely agree with which of the following statements about film and visual literacy?
(A) Reading a publication about a work of art and then seeing a film about the same work is the most effective way to develop visual literacy.
(B) An increase in a viewer’s awareness of visual forms will also lead to an increased attention span
(C) Film has a great but not yet fully exploited capacity to increase viewers’ awareness of visual forms.
(D) A film that focuses on the details of a work of art will hinder the development of visual literacy.
(E) Films on art would more effectively enhance the visual literacy of teenagers if filmmakers followed the standards set by rock videos.
解析:A 没有表达publication和film之间的相同关系;B没有谈到;C 整个文章都是在讲电影和艺术之间的关系。所以C正确。 D和文章的关系相反;E if条件句的条件和文章刚好相反。
10. According to the passage, art historians desiring to work with filmmakers to enhance the public’s appreciation of art need to acknowledge which of the following?
(A) The art historian’s role in the creation of a film on art is likely to be a relatively minor one.
(B) Film provides an ideal opportunity to acquaint viewers with a wide range of issues that relate incidentally to a work of art.
(C) An in-depth analysis of a work of art is not an appropriate topic for a film on art.
(D) Although silence may be an appropriate background when viewing a work of art in a museum, it is inappropriate in a film.
(E) Film can use nonverbal means to achieve some of the same results that a spoken or written discourse can achieve.
解析:On the other hand, art historians need to trust that one can indicate and analyze, not solely with words, but also by directing the viewer’s gaze.所以答案是E。
11. Which of the following would describe the author’s most likely reaction to a claim that films on art would more successfully promote visual literacy if they followed the standards set for rock videos?
(A) Ambivalence
(B) Indifference
(C) Sympathy
(D) Interest
(E) Disdain
解析:整个文章对电影对艺术方面的影响是持负态度的。所以要选负向词,而B选项是不能选的,所以 就选E。

9 作者态度是什么
10 考察题型
主旨题 /结构题/写作用意题/细节信息题
7.三个 星



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