
6、对不起,我错拿了你的伞(by mistake)
9、她正在看一篇小说,这时灯突然灭了(go out
10、我情不自禁的跳了起来(can‘t help
11、事实上,格林夫妇因为失业,不得不向亲戚求助(turn to,relative

1. I've known Tom for one and a half years.
2. People who want to read "Gone with the Wind"
3. It was hot last night. Mary didn't fall asleep until mid-night.
4. Students of Class 12 have music every other day.
5. Kids, help yourselves to some fruits.
6. Sorry, I took your umbrella by mistake.
7. How clever their eight year old daughter is!
8. Excuse me, which is the way to the bank?
9. The light went out while she was reading a novel.
10. I can't help jumping up.
11. Actually, the Greens have to turn to their relatives for help due to loss of jobs.
12. I can't express my feelings now.
13. This shop sells high quality woolen quilts.
14. Tony looks kind and reliable, but indeed he only cares about his own money.
第1个回答  2009-07-25
1. I have known tony for a year.
2. People who want to read <<Gone with the wind>>.
3. It's hot last night, marry couldn't fall asleep until midnight.
4. The students in 12th class have a music lesson every other day.
5. Kids ! Please help yourselves to fruits.
6. Sorry, i took the wrong unbrella by mistake.
7. How clever does their 8-year-old girl!
8. Can you please tell me which is the way to bank?
9. The light went out when she was reading a novel.
10. I can't help jumping up.
12. I can't express my feeling about this moment.
13. This store sells woolen quilts of good quality.
14. It seems tony is a kind and reliable person, but in fact he cares about his money only.
第2个回答  2009-07-25
I have known Tony for one and a half years.
people who wants to read the book"Gone with the wind"
Last night was so hot that Mary couldn't fall asleep until midnight.
The students of Class 12 will have a music lesson tomorrow.
Children,help yourselves to some fruit.
Sorry, I took your umbrella by mistake.
How clever is their eight-year-old daughter!
Could you tell me which way leads to the bank?
The light went out when she was reading a novel.
I can't help myself jumping up.
In fact,Mr. and Mrs. Green have to turn to their relatives because they've lose their work.
I can't express my feeling now.
The shop sells high-quality wool quilt.
Tony looks like a kind and reliable people, in fact he only cares about his money.
第3个回答  2009-07-25
1, my understanding tony has already had one and half years(know)
2, want to see 《float 》the person of this book
3, very hot last night, Mary woulded not° until midnight fall asleep
4, 12 classes of students ascend one section music lesson next day
5, children, please literally drink water a fruit(help)
6, sorry, I was wrong to take you of umbrella(by mistake)
7, their 8-year-old daughter is many cleverness(clever
8, please ask bank how walk(which
9, she is reading a novel, the light suddenly put out at this time(go out
10, what I could not control feelings jumped(can't help
11, in fact, grillage husband and wife because unemployed, have to ask for help from relatives(turn to, relative
12, I can not express the felling in nowadays(express
13, this store sell the quality the good wool drive(wool, quilt
14, tony's looking like is a docile and then dependable person, can actually he care his own money(reliable
第4个回答  2009-07-25



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