
这是深秋的一个夜晚,雨下的很大,由于天气已经很冷,刮着凉凉的风,街道上已经没有行人了。在市郊的一栋房子里,比利和他的妻子安娜接到了一个电话,是他的哥哥威廉打来的,“来我家玩吧,朋友们都在这里呢,大家都很想见到你,我们可以在一起喝个通宵。”威廉在那头喊到。“可是现在已经太晚了,外面还下着大雨,我害怕开车路上会不安全,等明天我们再去找你吧。”电话那头又传来了威廉的喊声:“你怎么变的这么胆小了?只不过下了点雨而已,一定要现在过来!”“可是......”没等比利说完,那边电话已经挂断了。于是比利和安娜很不情愿的穿好外衣,走出门去,开着他那辆90年出厂的福特汽车上了高速公路,驶向住在市里的哥哥家。 虽然不太喜欢在这种环境下开车,但是他们还是为了能很快见到哥哥而高兴,两个人在路上有说有笑,听着广播里欢快的乡村音乐,不知不觉已经快到了市里。就在这时,广播里的音乐声忽然被女播音员急促的声音打断了!“紧急通知,市民注意,刚刚在精神病院里逃跑了一个犯人,此罪犯曾经用凶残的手法杀死了7人,估计现在逃到了4号路附近,请住在这个范围内的市民不要外出走动,以免被袭击,请一定注意,这是个危险人物。”播音员重复了几遍后,收音机里又传来了音乐声。“比利,这可怎么办?我们前面就是4号路了,不会发生什么事吧?”安娜害怕的问到,声音有些发抖。“没事的,我们开着车,不会有问......”比利话还没说完,忽然汽车熄火了。“这该死的破车,在这个时候出问题!”比利气愤的叫到,“我下去看看到底怎么回事”。他下车检查了一翻,回到车上对妻子说:“亲爱的,看来这车是修不好了,那边好象有个电话亭,我们去给哥哥打个电话,或许他可以开车来接我们,明天我们再修这车。”“不过现在雨下的这么大,我的鞋?”安娜边说边看了看自己脚上崭新的高跟鞋。“我明白了,我自己去就可以,你在车里等我,我马上就回来。”比利说道。“可是那广播?我怕......”安娜抓住比利说。“这样吧,我走后你坐到后座,把车门都锁好,然后躺下拿垫子把自己盖上,不要坐起来,不要给任何人开门,如果我回来的话会敲3下车门,这样你就知道是我,可以给我开门了。放心好了,亲爱的,我10分钟就能回来。”比利说完就快步消失在雨中。 安娜听丈夫的话把车门锁上,然后拿车后座的垫子盖上自己,等着比利回来。10分钟过去了,20分钟过去了,过去了半小时!比利还是没有回来!安娜吓的不敢动弹。就在这时,她听到车门上传来了几下敲门声,梆...梆...梆... 安娜高兴极了,以为是丈夫回来了,刚要开门,忽然听到又传来了几声,梆...梆...梆...“不对!这不是比利!”安娜吓的叫出了声,她很想出去看看到底是怎么回事,但是她不敢。这怪怪的敲门声一直在响,比利也一直没有回来。安娜在后座躺着一动不敢动,连大气都不敢喘。过了一会,安娜不知不觉睡着了,朦朦胧胧只听见外面传来的下雨声和梆...梆...梆... 第2天早上,雨停了,安娜被一阵躁乱声吵醒了。她打开门一看,周围停着很多辆警车,一个警员飞快的跑过来拉住她问到:“你是比利先生的太太么?”“我是啊。”安娜不解的答道,这时她忽然想起丈夫一晚上没有回来!“好,请你跟我们去警局一趟,我们要给你说件事情。”警员一边拉她往警车的方向走一边说:“请你一定不要往后看,一定不要看,跟我走就可以。”当安娜走到警车边的时候,好奇心促使着她回头看了一眼,眼前的景象让她惊呆了。只见比利脖子上套着一根麻绳,被吊在自己车旁大树的树枝上,一阵风吹来,比利的尸体随风摆动着,脚敲打着车门,梆...梆...梆...
全部都是网上互译的 全是语法错误
根本没办法用 !!

This is a late autumn night, a large rain, as the weather has been cold, cool wind blowing, the streets are no pedestrians had. In the suburbs of a house, Billy and his wife, Anna received a phone call from his brother William, "to my house Wanba, my friends are here, people want to see you, we can together, drink all night. "cried William Wang Dan's light. "But now too late, still raining outside, I was afraid to drive on the road would be unsafe, so tomorrow we'll look for you." Phone apart, Wang Dan was news that the William's cry: "how do you become such a gall smaller? only rain down the points only, we must now come! "" But ......" and so Billy did not finish there the phone was hung up. So Billy and Anna reluctantly put on a coat out of the door, drove in his 90-year retro Ford car factory on the highway, heading for the city's older brother living in the home. Although not too fond of driving in this environment, but they are still in order to be able to soon see her brother happy that two people talked and laughed on the road, listening to the radio and cheerful country music, unconsciously been approaching the city . At this moment, the music suddenly the radio was the voice of female announcer interrupted rapid! "Emergency notice, the public that it has just been in a mental hospital where a prisoner escaped, this offender had been using brutal tactics killed seven people, now estimated to have fled to the vicinity of No. 4, please stay in this range of the public not to go out walking to avoid being attacked, be sure to note that this is a dangerous person. "announcer repeated several times, the radio was news that the music. "Billy, how this can be done? Way ahead of us is on the 4th, I'm not what happens, right?" Asked Anna fears, their voices are trembling. "Never, we are driving a car, not yet finished, then ask ......" Billy, suddenly car and died. "It's damn broken car problems at this time!" Summoned Billy angry, "I go to see how matter in the end." He checked over the pages off and return the car to his wife, said: "My dear, it seems that car is bad repair, and there seems to have a phone booth, we are going to call my brother, maybe he could drive come and meet us, tomorrow, let us repair this car. "" But now, under the rain so much, my shoes? "Anna said as he looked at his feet and a brand new high heels. "I understand, and my own family to stay with you in the car waiting for me, I'll be right back." Said Billy. "But that radio? ......" I'm afraid to seize the Billy says Anna. "Well, I have gone back seat you sit down, put doors are locked, and then lie down and get themselves covered with cushions, do not sit up, do not open the door to anyone, if I come back, then the next will be knocking on three doors, so that you know me, and can give me to open the door. rest assured, my dear, my 10 minutes back. "Billy Having disappeared in the rain on the trot. Anna listen to the words of her husband locked the door, and then took the cushion cover their own rear seat, waiting for Billy to come back. 10 minutes passed, and 20 minutes passed, and passed half an hour! Billy is still not back! Anna did not dare move scared. At this point, she heard the door Upload knock on the door a few times, bang ... bang ... bang ... Anna was elated, and thought it was her husband returned, and was about to open the door, I heard again came several more, bang ... bang ... bang ... "No! This is not Billy!" Anna called out the sound scared, and she wanted to go out to see how the matter in the end, but she did not dare. This is strange knock on the door has been the sound of Billy has been not returned. Anna in the back seat lay a move did not dare move, even the atmosphere did not dare breathe. After a while, Anna unwittingly fell asleep, only to hear the dim sound of rain coming from outside, bang ... bang ... bang ... the 2nd day morning, the rain stopped, Anna has been a while awakened by the hot-tempered chaos. She opened the door a look around a lot of parked police cars and a police officer came running fast to pull she asked: "You are Mr. Billy's wife it?" "I'm ah." Puzzled Anna replied, Then she suddenly remembered her husband one night, did not come back! "Well, please go to the police station a trip with us, and we give you say things." Pulling her to the police officers while walking in the direction side, said: "Please you must not look back but look, we must never see, with me you can go. "When Anna came when the police side, curiosity led her back looked at, a sight that she was shocked. I saw Billy necks with a hemp rope, suspended from a tree in his car at a branch, a gust of wind blowing, the wind swinging with Billy's body, feet pounding the door, bang ... bang. .. Bang ...
第1个回答  2009-12-07
This is a late autumn night, a large rain, as the weather has been cold, cool wind blowing, the streets are no pedestrians had. In the suburbs of a house, Billy and his wife, Anna received a phone call from his brother William, "to my house Wanba, my friends are here, people want to see you, we can together, drink all night. "cried William Wang Dan's light. "But now too late, still raining outside, I was afraid to drive on the road would be unsafe, so tomorrow we'll look for you." Phone apart, Wang Dan was news that the William's cry: "how do you become such a gall smaller? only rain down the points only, we must now come! "" But ......" and so Billy did not finish there the phone was hung up. So Billy and Anna reluctantly put on a coat out of the door, drove in his 90-year retro Ford car factory on the highway, heading for the city's older brother living in the home. Although not too fond of driving in this environment, but they are still in order to be able to soon see her brother happy that two people talked and laughed on the road, listening to the radio and cheerful country music, unconsciously been approaching the city . At this moment, the music suddenly the radio was the voice of female announcer interrupted rapid! "Emergency notice, the public that it has just been in a mental hospital where a prisoner escaped, this offender had been using brutal tactics killed seven people, now estimated to have fled to the vicinity of No. 4, please stay in this range of the public not to go out walking to avoid being attacked, be sure to note that this is a dangerous person. "announcer repeated several times, the radio was news that the music. "Billy, how this can be done? Way ahead of us is on the 4th, I'm not what happens, right?" Asked Anna fears, their voices are trembling. "Never, we are driving a car, not yet finished, then ask ......" Billy, suddenly car and died. "It's damn broken car problems at this time!" Summoned Billy angry, "I go to see how matter in the end." He checked off doubled, to return the car to his wife, said: "My dear, it seems that car is bad repair, and there seems to have a phone booth, we went to a brother a call, maybe he could drive come and meet us, tomorrow we re-repair this car. "" But now, under the rain so much, my shoes? "Anna said as he looked at his feet and a brand new high heels. "I understand, and my own family to stay with you in the car waiting for me, I'll be right back." Billy said. "But that radio? ......" I'm afraid to seize the Billy says Anna. "Well, I have gone back seat you sit down, put doors are locked, and then lie down and get themselves covered with cushions, do not sit up, do not open the door to anyone, if I come back, then the next will be knocking on three doors, so that you know me, and can give me to open the door. rest assured, my dear, my 10 minutes back. "Billy Having disappeared in the rain on the trot. Anna listen to the words of her husband locked the door, and then took the cushion cover their own rear seat, waiting for Billy to come back. 10 minutes passed, and 20 minutes passed, and passed half an hour! Billy is still not back! Anna did not dare move scared. At this point, she heard the door Upload knock on the door a few times, bang ... bang ... bang ... Anna was elated, and thought it was her husband returned, and was about to open the door, I heard again came several more, bang ... bang ... bang ... "No! This is not Billy!" Anna called out the sound scared, and she wanted to go out to see how the matter in the end, but she did not dare. This is strange knock on the door has been the sound of Billy has been not returned. Anna in the back seat lay a move did not dare move, even the atmosphere did not dare breathe. After a while, Anna unwittingly fell asleep, only to hear the dim sound of rain coming from outside, bang ... bang ... bang ... the 2nd day morning, the rain stopped, Anna has been a while awakened by the hot-tempered chaos. She opened the door a look around a lot of parked police cars and a police officer came running fast to pull she asked: "You are Mr. Billy's wife it?" "I'm ah." Puzzled Anna replied, Then she suddenly remembered her husband one night, did not come back! "Well, please go to the police station a trip with us, and we give you say things." Pulling her to the police officers while walking in the direction side, said: "Please you must not look back but look, we must never see, with me you can go. "When Anna came when the police side, curiosity led her back looked at, a sight that she was shocked. I saw Billy necks with a hemp rope, suspended from a tree in his car at a branch, a gust of wind blowing, the wind swinging with Billy's body, feet pounding the door, bang ... bang. .. Bang.
第2个回答  2009-12-19
This is a late autumn night, a large rain, as the weather has been cold, cool wind blowing, the streets are no pedestrians had. In the suburbs of a house, Billy and his wife, Anna received a phone call from his brother William, "to my house Wanba, my friends are here, people want to see you, we can together, drink all night. "cried William Wang Dan's light. "But now too late, still raining outside, I was afraid to drive on the road would be unsafe, so tomorrow we'll look for you." Phone apart, Wang Dan was news that the William's cry: "how do you become such a gall smaller? only rain down the points only, we must now come! "" But ......" and so Billy did not finish there the phone was hung up. So Billy and Anna reluctantly put on a coat out of the door, drove in his 90-year retro Ford car factory on the highway, heading for the city's older brother living in the home. Although not too fond of driving in this environment, but they are still in order to be able to soon see her brother happy that two people talked and laughed on the road, listening to the radio and cheerful country music, unconsciously been approaching the city . At this moment, the music suddenly the radio was the voice of female announcer interrupted rapid! "Emergency notice, the public that it has just been in a mental hospital where a prisoner escaped, this offender had been using brutal tactics killed seven people, now estimated to have fled to the vicinity of No. 4, please stay in this range of the public not to go out walking to avoid being attacked, be sure to note that this is a dangerous person. "announcer repeated several times, the radio was news that the music. "Billy, how this can be done? Way ahead of us is on the 4th, I'm not what happens, right?" Asked Anna fears, their voices are trembling. "Never, we are driving a car, not yet finished, then ask ......" Billy, suddenly car and died. "It's damn broken car problems at this time!" Summoned Billy angry, "I go to see how matter in the end." He checked off doubled, to return the car to his wife, said: "My dear, it seems that car is bad repair, and there seems to have a phone booth, we went to a brother a call, maybe he could drive come and meet us, tomorrow we re-repair this car. "" But now, under the rain so much, my shoes? "Anna said as he looked at his feet and a brand new high heels. "I understand, and my own family to stay with you in the car waiting for me, I'll be right back." Billy said. "But that radio? ......" I'm afraid to seize the Billy says Anna. "Well, I have gone back seat you sit down, put doors are locked, and then lie down and get themselves covered with cushions, do not sit up, do not open the door to anyone, if I come back, then the next will be knocking on three doors, so that you know me, and can give me to open the door. rest assured, my dear, my 10 minutes back. "Billy Having disappeared in the rain on the trot. Anna listen to the words of her husband locked the door, and then took the cushion cover their own rear seat, waiting for Billy to come back. 10 minutes passed, and 20 minutes passed, and passed half an hour! Billy is still not back! Anna did not dare move scared. At this point, she heard the door Upload knock on the door a few times, bang ... bang ... bang ... Anna was elated, and thought it was her husband returned, and was about to open the door, I heard again came several more, bang ... bang ... bang ... "No! This is not Billy!" Anna called out the sound scared, and she wanted to go out to see how the matter in the end, but she did not dare. This is strange knock on the door has been the sound of Billy has been not returned. Anna in the back seat lay a move did not dare move, even the atmosphere did not dare breathe. After a while, Anna unwittingly fell asleep, only to hear the dim sound of rain coming from outside, bang ... bang ... bang ... the 2nd day morning, the rain stopped, Anna has been a while awakened by the hot-tempered chaos. She opened the door a look around a lot of parked police cars and a police officer came running fast to pull she asked: "You are Mr. Billy's wife it?" "I'm ah." Puzzled Anna replied, Then she suddenly remembered her husband one night, did not come back! "Well, please go to the police station a trip with us, and we give you say things." Pulling her to the police officers while walking in the direction side, said: "Please you must not look back but look, we must never see, with me you can go. "When Anna came when the police side, curiosity led her back looked at, a sight that she was shocked. I saw Billy necks with a hemp rope, suspended from a tree in his car at a branch, a gust of wind blowing, the wind swinging with Billy's body, feet pounding the door, bang ... bang. .. Bang ...
第3个回答  2009-12-16
This is a late autumn night, a large rain, as the weather has been cold, cool wind blowing, the streets are no pedestrians had. In the suburbs of a house, Billy and his wife, Anna received a phone call from his brother William, "to my house Wanba, my friends are here, people want to see you, we can together, drink all night. "cried William Wang Dan's light. "But now too late, still raining outside, I was afraid to drive on the road would be unsafe, so tomorrow we'll look for you." Phone apart, Wang Dan was news that the William's cry: "how do you become such a gall smaller? only rain down the points only, we must now come! "" But ......" and so Billy did not finish there the phone was hung up. So Billy and Anna reluctantly put on a coat out of the door, drove in his 90-year retro Ford car factory on the highway, heading for the city's older brother living in the home. Although not too fond of driving in this environment, but they are still in order to be able to soon see her brother happy that two people talked and laughed on the road, listening to the radio and cheerful country music, unconsciously been approaching the city . At this moment, the music suddenly the radio was the voice of female announcer interrupted rapid! "Emergency notice, the public that it has just been in a mental hospital where a prisoner escaped, this offender had been using brutal tactics killed seven people, now estimated to have fled to the vicinity of No. 4, please stay in this range of the public not to go out walking to avoid being attacked, be sure to note that this is a dangerous person. "announcer repeated several times, the radio was news that the music. "Billy, how this can be done? Way ahead of us is on the 4th, I'm not what happens, right?" Asked Anna fears, their voices are trembling. "Never, we are driving a car, not yet finished, then ask ......" Billy, suddenly car and died. "It's damn broken car problems at this time!" Summoned Billy angry, "I go to see how matter in the end." He checked off doubled, to return the car to his wife, said: "My dear, it seems that car is bad repair, and there seems to have a phone booth, we went to a brother a call, maybe he could drive come and meet us, tomorrow we re-repair this car. "" But now, under the rain so much, my shoes? "Anna said as he looked at his feet and a brand new high heels. "I understand, and my own family to stay with you in the car waiting for me, I'll be right back." Billy said. "But that radio? ......" I'm afraid to seize the Billy says Anna. "Well, I have gone back seat you sit down, put doors are locked, and then lie down and get themselves covered with cushions, do not sit up, do not open the door to anyone, if I come back, then the next will be knocking on three doors, so that you know me, and can give me to open the door. rest assured, my dear, my 10 minutes back. "Billy Having disappeared in the rain on the trot. Anna listen to the words of her husband locked the door, and then took the cushion cover their own rear seat, waiting for Billy to come back. 10 minutes passed, and 20 minutes passed, and passed half an hour! Billy is still not back! Anna did not dare move scared. At this point, she heard the door Upload knock on the door a few times, bang ... bang ... bang ... Anna was elated, and thought it was her husband returned, and was about to open the door, I heard again came several more, bang ... bang ... bang ... "No! This is not Billy!" Anna called out the sound scared, and she wanted to go out to see how the matter in the end, but she did not dare. This is strange knock on the door has been the sound of Billy has been not returned. Anna in the back seat lay a move did not dare move, even the atmosphere did not dare breathe. After a while, Anna unwittingly fell asleep, only to hear the dim sound of rain coming from outside, bang ... bang ... bang ... the 2nd day morning, the rain stopped, Anna has been a while awakened by the hot-tempered chaos. She opened the door a look around a lot of parked police cars and a police officer came running fast to pull she asked: "You are Mr. Billy's wife it?" "I'm ah." Puzzled Anna replied, Then she suddenly remembered her husband one night, did not come back! "Well, please go to the police station a trip with us, and we give you say things." Pulling her to the police officers while walking in the direction side, said: "Please you must not look back but look, we must never see, with me you can go. "When Anna came when the police side, curiosity led her back looked at, a sight that she was shocked. I saw Billy necks with a hemp rope, suspended from a tree in his car at a branch, a gust of wind blowing, the wind swinging with Billy's body, feet pounding the door, bang ... bang. .. Bang.



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