
. In 1846 --- agreed upon the boundaries separating what would become Washington and British Columbia.
(A) when the Canadian and United States governments
(B) the Canadian and United States governments which
(C) with the Canadian and United States governments
(D) the Canadian and the United States governments,
15. A challenging new area in inorganic chemistry is ---- the role of transition metals in the biochemical catalysts called enzymes.
(A) that of understanding
(B) to have understanding
(C) the understanding
(D) understanding that
为什么选A,那个of understanding是做什么成分为什么会这样搭配啊。

22. In the nineteenth century, moving from crowded Britain to relatively sparsely populated North America (were) seen by many British as (an) act of patriotism.
28. Paleoanthropologists examine fossil remains of extinct primates, while physical anthropologists (concern) with ethology study the behavior of primates in their natural settings.
29. Most ocean waves are generated by wind current that agitate the water's surface.
32. The work of Sarah Oarne Jewet, care-nineteenth-century writer, reflects a concern (in) the alienating consequence,of condustrialization and urbanization.
34. After the United States became independent, the cure of more fertile lands (drew steadily) New Ennglanders into the Ohio Vallye and the British colony of Upper Canada.
drew steadily有错误,为什么
37. Among the most complex cryslals are (that) of silicon dioxide, which has seven different structures at varjous temperatures and pressures, the most (common being) quartz.
that错了,但common being是什么啊。

38. Animals have to cope with and control physical and chemical processes that do not necessarily act to (benefit) of the animal.

39. By 1810 the 23 towns of Hampshire County, Massachusetts, had reached a remarkable uniform of economic development (as well as) population density.

40. (With more than) half the world's annual yield of 50 million tons of soy beans, an important source of protein, is grown in the United States.

□ In 1846 --- agreed upon the boundaries separating what would become Washington and British Columbia.
In 1846 the Canadian and the United States governments agreed what would become Washington and British Columbia upon the boundaries separating.
1)agree 后带有宾语从句what would become Washington and British Columbia,意思是:承认华盛顿和英属哥伦比亚所要成为的情况。
2)upon the boundaries separating (在边界划分问题上)用作agree的方面状语

□ A challenging new area in inorganic chemistry is ---- the role of transition metals in the biochemical catalysts called enzymes.
1)that 指代the challenging new area,填入空白处即为A challenging new area is another challenging new area of understanding …,这里为了避免重复后面的就用that 取代了。
2)of understanding the role of transition metals in the biochemical catalysts called enzymes是“介词of + 动名词短语”作that的定语,
□ In the nineteenth century, moving from crowded Britain to relatively sparsely populated North America (were) seen by many British as (an) act of patriotism.
1)这个句子的主语是动名词短语 moving from crowded Britain to relatively sparsely populated North America (从拥挤的英国迁徙到人口相对稀少的北美),除what从句外,凡是短语和句子作主语只能视作单数,所以此处应该改为was。
2)act本身是抽象名词,但是由于后面出现了描绘性定语of patriotism,于是就变成有别于其他act的具体名词,所以需要加不定冠词 an
□ Paleoanthropologists examine fossil remains of extinct primates, while physical anthropologists (concern) with ethology study the behavior of primates in their natural settings.
1)While从句中的主体结构是:physical anthropologists study the behavior of primates in their natural settings,
2)过去分词短语concerned with ethology是physical anthropologists的后置定语(与动物行为学有关的体质人类学者)
□ Most ocean waves are generated by wind current that agitate the water's surface.
□ The work of Sarah Oarne Jewet, care-nineteenth-century writer, reflects a concern (in) the alienating consequence, of condustrialization and urbanization.
Concern in sth. 与...有关
concern about sth. 为...而担心/担忧
这里既然说Sarah是关心20世纪的作家,对alienating consequence所表现出来应该是担忧
□ After the United States became independent, the cure of more fertile lands (drew steadily) New Englanders into the Ohio Vallye and the British colony of Upper Canada.
根据前后因果关系,肥沃土地的恢复应该是把新英格兰人逐步驱赶到Ohio Vallye and the British colony of Upper Canada,而不是一步一个脚印地拖(draw)入到那里。
□ Among the most complex cryslals are (that) of silicon dioxide, which has seven different structures at various temperatures and pressures, the most (common being) quartz.
1)介词of + 名词等于形容词,修饰一个不言自明的表示其属性名词, 这里是倒装,意思是:属于二氧化硅的(东西)就在最复杂的晶体中;that指代提到过的相同名词,而句子里没有出现,错了,
2)being 指存在物,引申为实质、特征。common being意思是寻常特征

□ Animals have to cope with and control physical and chemical processes that do not necessarily act to (benefit) of the animal.
□ By 1810 the 23 towns of Hampshire County, Massachusetts, had reached a remarkable uniform of economic development (as well as) population density.
As well as 连接两个同类的人或事物,这里的人口密度和哪个名词并列?与uniform还是与economic development?前者是达到步调一致,但不能说同时还达到人口密度,后者是经济发展的统一,但不能说同时还有人口密度的统一。



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