

我们的野餐聚会在我们学校附近的一个漂亮公园里进行。 这公园是我们当地一个非常有名的公园,以美丽的公园景色著称。公园里有一个人工湖,可以让人们在湖上划艇,欣赏湖面和公园的景色。在湖上,我们可以看到清澈的湖水,里面有着各种各样的漂亮鱼儿,如果你有闲情雅致,还可以在公园里租一条鱼竿坐在船上边欣赏风景边钓鱼。如果在冬天,我们还能看到许多从北方飞来的鸟在这里歇息,叽叽喳喳地叫个不停。公园里的路都是鹅卵石路,许多人都是光着脚在上面走路,据说这样有益身心。公园里空气清新,非常适合野餐。因此我们选择在公园的湖边进行这次野餐聚会。

1. Our picnic in our school near a beautiful park for. This park is a very famous of our local parks, the beautiful scenery of the park known. The park has an artificial lake, you can let people rowing on the lake to enjoy the lake and park scenery. On the lake, we can see the clear lake, which has a wide variety of beautiful fish, if you have the leisure and elegance, you can also rent a fishing rod in the park to enjoy the scenery while sitting on boat while fishing. If the winter, we can see many birds flying from the north to rest here, twitter to keep barking. The park road are cobblestone roads, many people are walking barefoot in the above, was said to be healthy. The park clean air, very suitable for a picnic. Therefore, we have chosen to conduct this lake in the park's picnic.

2. Our picnic meeting carries on nearby in our school's attractive park. This park is our locality very famous park, is famous by the beautiful park scenery. In the park has an artificial lake, may let the people board the rowing in the lake, the appreciation level of the lake and the park scenery. In the lake, we may see the limpid lake water, inside has various attractive fish, if you have the leisure to be refined, but also side may rent a fishing pole in the park to sit above the ship admires the scenery fishes. If in the winter, we can also see that to many bird which flies from the north rests in here, chirp calls not to stop. In the park road is the cobblestone road, many people are the light foot are walking in above, it is said such beneficial body and mind. In the park the air is fresh, very suitable picnic. Therefore we choose in the park bund carry on this picnic meeting.

3. Our picnic meetings our school attractive park carry on nearby. This park is our locality one non-often the famous park, is famous for the beautiful park scenery. In the park has an artificial lake, may let the people board the rowing in the lake, the appreciation level of the lake and park's scenery. In the lake, we may see the limpid lake water, inside has various attractive fish, if you have the leisure to be refined, but also side may rent a fishing pole to sit in the park above the ship admires the scenery fishes. If in the winter, we can also see flew the bird to rest here from the north, chirp calls not to stop. In park road is the cobblestone road, many people are the light the foot are walking above, it is said such beneficial body and mind. In the park the air is fresh, non-often suits the picnic. Therefore we choose in park's bund carry on this picnic to get together.

4. Our picnic near our school's a beautiful park. This park is a very famous our local park, with beautiful scenery of the park. The park has a man-made lake, can let people on the lake, the lake park and rowing. On the lake, we can see the limpid water, inside have all sorts of beautiful fish, if you have interest in elegant, still can rent a rod park scenery while sitting in the boat while fishing. If in the winter, we can see many birds fly from north of here rest, chirp incessantly. Park road is pebbles, many people are road barefoot in the above is to walk, so it is good for health. Park in fresh air, very suitable for a picnic. So we choose the lake in the park for the picnic.
第1个回答  2009-10-24
We are planning to have a picnic in a beautiful park where located around our school.
Where is a famous local part with fantastic veiw. There is an artificial lake inside which let people can enjoy about the view of the lake and park on the boat. People can see how clear is the water as well as variety among of fishes on it. If you have plenty of time, to rent a fishing rod and fishing on the boat will be ideal. You will see a lot of the birds coming from north to take a rest here in winter, the chirping will be all around at that moment. The path in the park all made in cobblestones, people usually walk on it by feet which sounds pretty helpful for thier health.
We do believe which is an ideal choice to have picnic here not only becacuse the above mentioned options but fresh air is always suitable the most.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-10-24
We picnicked in a beautiful park that nearby our school. It was a famous local park as fantastic scenery. There was a artificial lake for boating. Tourists could enjoy clear lake water, various beautiful fishes and whole landscape in park.If you like,you could rent a fishing rod to fishing on the boat with the graceful views. We could see the giggling birds from north which is resting on the trees and grass.The paths in the park were covered by cobblestone, and a lot of people walked it with naked feet, it is said that is helpful for health. The fresh air in the part was very suit for picnic,and this is the reason we picnicked at the lakeside.
第3个回答  2009-10-24
Our picnic near our school's a beautiful park. This park is a very famous our local park, with beautiful scenery of the park. The park has a man-made lake, can let people on the lake, the lake park and rowing. On the lake, we can see the limpid water, inside have all sorts of beautiful fish, if you have interest in elegant, still can rent a rod park scenery while sitting in the boat while fishing. If in the winter, we can see many birds fly from north of here rest, chirp incessantly. Park road is pebbles, many people are road barefoot in the above is to walk, so it is good for health. Park in fresh air, very suitable for a picnic. So we choose the lake in the park for the picnic.



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